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  • Title of the event on Turkish flags backgrounds + photos of speakers © EUISS
    28June 2024

    A webinar exploring Türkiye's aspirations and influence in the Western Balkans and South Caucasus.

  • Title of event on dark blue background
    26June 2024

    The Horn of Africa and the Red Sea is a region increasingly interconnected, where its two coastlines form a unique geopolitical space with growing global repercussions in the domains of onshore and offshore security, global trade, migration, and political competition.

  • Image of participants around the table © EUISS
    25June 2024

    On 25 June, the Institute convened a closed-door meeting with independent experts and EU policymakers to engage in a collective assessment of trends determining Belarus’ future

  • Group photo ©EUI
    24June 2024

    This second edition of the Countering Foreign Interference (CFI) Dialogues focused on examining the connections between different areas of foreign interference and hybrid threats.

  • Image of panellists © EUISS
    17June 2024

    The Institute organised a closed-door briefing on Türkiye’s presence in the Western Balkans and the South Caucasus to the European Council’s Working Party on Enlargement and Countries Negotiating Accession to the EU (COELA).​

  • Title of the event on Turkish flags backgrounds + photos of speakers © EUISS
    13June 2024

    Türkiye's global influence is on the rise, fuelled by a potent mix of economic ambitions, popular TV shows, and cutting-edge drone technology. Watch our webinar on the country's strategic partnerships with MENA, the Gulf region and Africa.

  • HRVP Borrell speaking in front of audience ©EUISS
    11June 2024

    In the wake of the European parliamentary elections, the conference discussed the strategic options and choices facing the EU.

  • Group photos of participants to the training standing in front of building @EUISS
    07June 2024

    The Countering Foreign Interference project delivered a training within a Capacity Building Programme for Junior Diplomats of the Western Balkans.

  • Title of the event on globe background and photos of speakers © EUISS
    30May 2024

    This LinkedinLive event explored the concept of "contestation", the new dynamic driving global politics. Available to re-watch.

  • Director Steven Everts speaking on stage in from of banner with name of the event
    29May 2024

    The Institute was actively involved in the second edition of the Schuman Forum, hosting a think tank event with the participation of policy experts from think tanks and academia from around the world.
