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Showing 1981-1990 of 2810 results

EUISS report on the Arab democratic wave was mentioned in Svenska Dagbladet:

09 March 2011

I en rapport från EU:s institut för säkerhetspolitiska studier (EUISS), föreslår tiotalet politiska experter från lärosäten i bland annat Marocko, Egypten, Jordanien, Portugal och Storbritannien, hur EU kan bistå de nordafrikanska länderna under förvandlingen från diktaturer till, förhoppningsvis

Álvaro de Vasconcelos was quoted in Gazeta:

09 March 2011

To oczywiście proces na dekady, ale UE musi teraz pokazać, że wspiera dążenie demokratyczne tych narodów, korzystając z doświadczeń ze wschodniej Europy po upadku muru berlińskiego - powiedział dyrektor unijnego Instytutu ds. Badań nad Bezpieczeństwem Alvaro de Vasconcelos.

Daniel Keohane was quoted in Time Magazine about the EU's respose to Libya

07 March 2011

And besides, says Daniel Keohane, defense expert at the Paris-based European Union Institute for Security Studies, any military intervention in Libya would have to depend on the U.S. "At the moment, Europe can barely deploy 100,000 troops, while the U.S. Marine Corps can deploy 200,000.

Alvaro de Vasconcelos was quoted in several media outlets on Libya

07 March 2011

"L'Union européenne doit changer sa politique et passer d'une défense du statu quo au soutien à une communauté d'Etats démocratiques dans le bassin méditerranéen", renchérit Alvaro de Vasconcelos, président de l'Institut européen d'études de sécurité. La-Croix

Publico ran an in-depth interview with Álvaro de Vasconcelos:

07 March 2011

A Parceria Euro-Mediterrânica, lançada em Barcelona, "tinha uma componente civil forte e uma perspectiva de democratização", diz Álvaro de Vasconcelos, hoje director do Instituto de Estudos de Segurança da União Europeia (EUISS) e durante muitos anos coordenador da rede EuroMesco de think-tanks d

Jean Pascal Zanders was quoted in the Telegraph

03 March 2011

Dr Jean Pascal Zanders, a senior researcher at the EU Institute for Security Studies, says terrorists might consider using mustard gas to cause economic or social disruption by contaminating a transportation route but probably wouldn’t use it to cause mass casualties.

Álvaro de Vasconcelos was quoted by Voice of America

02 March 2011

Alvaro De Vasconcelos of the European Union Institute for Security Studies said the recent revolution in Tunisia has shown to the world that economic development alone cannot bring stability in countries like Afghanistan. Instead, political reforms are necessary.

The Arab democratic wave: how the EU can seize the moment

01 March 2011

With uprisings in the Arab world continuing to spread, the EU needs a radical rethink of its policy in the region. The failed Union for the Mediterranean represents an opportunity to define a new objective: building a Euro-Mediterranean community.

Presentation of ISS Report nº 9

01 March 2011

With the fast-moving developments in the Arab world creating wholesale changes in the international arena, the EUISS released this multi-author report as a response to the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt and the ‘democratic wave’ that has struck the Arab world.
