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  • 04May 2013

    The EUISS marked Europe Day by participating in the Open Doors Day organised by the European Council on Saturday 4 May in Brussels.

  • 23April 2013

    This workshop organised jointly by the EU Institute for Security Studies and the European External Action Service examined the challenges of piracy and crime at sea as well as the broader challenges to security, governance and development within the region.

  • 13March 2013

    Taking place in Washington, D.C on the 13-14 March, the 2013 EUWF served as a reminder that diplomacy, development and defence are all important elements in attempts to maintain stability and generate growth, even in times of budgetary constraints.

  • 25January 2013

    On Friday 25 January, the EUISS was pleased to welcome Ms Helga Schmid, Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs in the European External Action Service (EEAS) at the Institute for an informal exchange of views with Paris-based think tankers.

  • 23October 2012

    The IV India-EU forum took place in Brussels on 23 and 24 October 2012 and was organised by the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) and the Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) in cooperation with FRIDE.

  • 11October 2012

    This seminar held in October 2012 in Paris brought together experts to examine and assess EU policy towards China in the following fields: trade, investment, the euro and global economic governance, environment and resources, defence and security, politics, and the regional context.

  • 10September 2012

    This workshop was an in-depth brainstorming session on the future of the Chemical Weapons Convention and it took place in Brussels with officials from EU member states and candidate countries.

  • 11June 2012

    The EUISS, in the framework of the Observatoire de l’Afrique, organised a briefing in partnership with Open Society Foundations to analyse to what extent Nigeria's planned constitutional reform can change to the country’s political and socio-economic system.

  • 11June 2012

    The US Task Force 2012 explored the possibilities for developing a more strategic EU involvement in Asia and displayed how effective dialogue with the US on economic, security and governence issues in Asia can constitute one of the crucial elements in efforts to strengthen the EU-US strategic partnership.

  • 08June 2012

    This seminar, jointly organised by the EU Police Mission (EUPM) and the EUISS and held in Sarajevo on the 7-8 June, marked 10 years of EU civilian crisis management in the Western Balkans and examined the impact of the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina and lessons learned for the future of CFSP/CSDP.
