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Associate Analysts


Joris Teer is an Associate Analyst at the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS). He leads the portfolio on economic security and technology and is based at the Brussels Liaison Office. 

Prior to joining EUISS, Joris was a strategic foresight and China analyst at the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), focusing on the dilemmas of deep economic interdependence at a time of great power rivalry.

Together with Director of Political Affairs Han ten Broeke, Joris initiated HCSS Boardroom, an initiative to make the strategies of Dutch and European industry and investors more geopolitically shock-resistant. His contributions to the Strategic Monitor, a multi-annual strategic foresight project that HCSS together with the Clingendael Institute executes for the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defence, focused on trends in geoeconomics and strategic technologies. He was also the Project Coordinator of the Europe in the Indo-Pacific Hub. Finally, Joris was a member of the Peace and Security Committee of the Advisory Council on International Affairs of the Netherlands. 

He has conducted research on great power competition, strategic technologies (including semiconductors), critical raw materials, defense issues in the Indo-Pacific and strategic foresight methods.

Joris holds a Dual M.Sc. Degree in International Affairs focusing on China’s politics and foreign policy at Peking University and on the international relations of the Middle East, crisis-decision making and political Islam at the London School of Economics. He holds an honours BA from Amsterdam University College.

He is also a PhD-candidate at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Free University of Brussels, focusing on the implications for the EU of the growing use by China and the US of weaponized interdependence-strategies.

Lukas Trakimavičius is an Associate Analyst at the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS). He leads the portfolio on energy and environmental security. Lukas is also a Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), based in Washington D.C. He also supports the World Energy Council’s efforts on the energy transition.

Before joining the EUISS, Lukas worked at the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, focusing on clean technologies, the energy transition, and the geopolitics of energy.

He also served at the Economic Security Policy Division of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, working on energy security, energy diplomacy, and broader economic security issues in the CEE region. Before that, he held several positions at the Emerging Security Challenges (ESC) and Political Affairs and Security Policy (PASP) divisions at NATO HQ, where he worked on energy security, arms control, disarmament, and WMD non-proliferation matters.

Lukas holds a postgraduate degree from the London School of Economics (LSE).

Bojana Zorić joined the Institute in September 2023 as an Associate Analyst for the Western Balkans. In this capacity, she covers the analysis of policy and security developments in the Western Balkans, particularly in the context of enlargement, transatlantic relations, third-party influence, as well as other day-to-day developments that affect Euro-Atlantic security infrastructure.  

Previously, she held the position of Senior Policy Analyst at the Regional Cooperation Council in Sarajevo, where she, among others, led the analysis of the Balkan Barometer, including in security and (geo)political domains. Before that, she was stationed in Brussels with the European Committee of the Regions and in Stockholm with the Swedish International Liberal Centre, where she worked on democracy building and promotion in Eastern Partnership countries.

Bojana contributed to book volumes published by Routledge and Springer Handbook of Political Science and International Relations and has published in several peer-reviewed journals focusing on security developments in the Western Balkans, including in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, and North Macedonia. 

She was awarded an MA degree in European Union-Russia studies from the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies (University of Tartu) and an MA degree in Russian Philology and Pedagogy from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Zagreb). As part of her education, she also studied at KU Leuven, Saint Petersburg State University, and Tallinn University. Currently, she is completing a PhD degree with a specialisation in security studies at Masaryk University, where she examines the scope and impact of Turkish foreign policy in the Western Balkans over the last decade.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 (1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
