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Schuman Security and Defence Forum 2024

29 May 2024
Director Steven Everts speaking on stage in from of banner with name of the event

The Institute was actively involved in the second edition of the Schuman Forum.

On 28 May, the EUISS organised a closed-door meeting with the participation of peace, security and defence policy experts from think tanks and academia from around the world. The event provided experts with an opportunity to preview the key issues on the agenda of the main event of the Forum. It gave the opportunity to share ideas and concrete proposals on how to best strengthen and further develop cooperation in the field of peace, security and defence between the EU, its Member States, and partners.

Programme of the think tank event

In the evening, Director Steven Everts was master of ceremony at the ministerial dinner hosted by HRVP Josep Borrell Fontelles, and bringing together Ministers of Defence, Heads of Delegation from partner countries and Members States, as well as representatives of international organisations and EU high level officials.

On 29 May, the main event of the Schuman Forum consisted of a full day of exchanges in the premises of the European Parliament, structured around the HRVP’s keynote speech, two plenaries and five break-out sessions.

Senior Analyst Nadia Kovalcikova moderated the roundtable on “Critical infrastructure. How to maximise resilience?”

More information and programme