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Russia in Africa: competing for strategic influence in the post-Wagner world

04 July 2024
Participants sitting around table @EUISS

On 4 July, the EUISS brought together EU policymakers and independent experts for a collective assessment of Russia’s policy in Africa.

The discussion examined the effectiveness of Russia’s approach to Africa, exploring how Moscow cultivates relationships with ruling elites and constituencies to advance its interests. Participants discussed Russia's asymmetric approach to influence, leveraging existing patterns of authoritarianism, internal conflict, and poverty, despite not being a major trade power. They also analysed the impact of the ongoing division and reconstitution of the Wagner conglomerate on Russia's strategies and influence.

Additionally, the perception of Russia across the African continent was discussed, alongside strategies for the EU to position itself as a more attractive partner for African countries and societies.

This event was the first session in a new series of roundtables "The Russia rostrum: drilling deeper to get Russia right", a platform for focused discussions of relevant issues related to contemporary Russia and its global policies, and of how the EU can better respond and adapt to the challenges these policies pose.

Event report coming soon