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Raising awareness of both existing and emerging foreign and security policy challenges facing the European Union, EUISS Briefs provide key information in a concise, focused format.

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    18April 2018

    The first in the EUISS series ‘Along the road’, which will examine the security implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), this Brief looks at how the debt trap Sri Lanka found itself in may provide some useful lessons learned. What are the domestic and regional impacts of Beijing’s large-scale investments in the island nation?

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    15March 2018

    This Brief sets the stage for an upcoming EUISS series entitled 'Along the road', which will examine the security implications of China’s Belt and Road (BRI) connectivity project. Through a collection of case studies from infrastructure projects and countries situated ‘Along the road’, this series will seek to gather concrete evidence of the success or failure of Beijing’s new geopolitical project. 

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    28February 2018

    In recent years, Russia has resorted more and more frequently to military force to advance its foreign policy objectives. This overreliance on force, however, came with a price tag attached. Will Moscow continue with its combative stance?

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    30January 2018

    Although the need for a more coherent or strategic approach to the EU’s security cooperation with third states is widely acknowledged, its operationalisation presents a number of challenges. Which third countries should the EU establish partnerships with, and on the basis of what criteria?

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    27November 2017

    This Brief explores the challenges that may face policymakers as they plan for military mobility in Europe. Can the EU overcome the infrastructural, legal and regulatory barriers that hamper the transportation of military units in Europe?

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    27November 2017

    This Brief looks at how Operation Sophia has de facto become a police –  as well as rescue – operation, while also generating added-value as a maritime security instrument.

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    08November 2017

    New technologies are changing the face of warfare. Now, for the first time since the Industrial Revolution, can these emerging technologies reverse the trend of the ever-growing logistics tail of modern armed forces?


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    31October 2017

    This Brief looks at the economic and political implications of drug trafficking and consumption for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). What problems do states face and how have they responded? And how deep is the symbiotic relationship between drugs and terrorism?

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    25October 2017

    Visa liberalisation processes have offset the slow pace of reforms in the eastern neighbourhood by drawing partner states closer to the EU. What have been the effects of this success story for the Eastern Partnership (EaP)?

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    11October 2017

    This Brief explains how, in theory, the US spending less money on the UN could have yielded more desired outcomes by providing greater clarity of priorities and efficiency of operations. But in practice, having fewer resources and engaging less seems to have resulted in more festering crises and disorder.
