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As part of its mission to find a common security culture for the EU, to help develop and project the CFSP, and to enrich Europe’s strategic debate, the Institute regularly releases publications on the topics and regions at the core of the Union's work.

The Institute’s flagship publication is its series of Chaillot Papers, which are based on focused, in-depth research. The EUISS also publishes a Yearbook (YES), Reports, and shorter Briefs.

  • 20February 2009

    On 17 February 2009, Kosovo celebrated the first anniversary of its independence. Kosovo’s first year was relatively smooth, and with the exception of a number of violent incidents in the north of the country soon after independence, the much anticipated Serbian nationalist backlash never occurred on the scale many feared.

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    13February 2009

    The new gas deal is a step forward in ending a period of ‘special’ energy relations between Kyiv and Moscow. A more transparent gas import scheme to Ukraine and the convergence of import prices with those in the EU definitely make rent-seeking activities less likely.

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    03February 2009

    During the last few years, African countries have multiplied their efforts at consolidating regional integration and developing common mechanisms for the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts. The African Peace and Security Architecture is an emerging set of norms, structures, capacities and procedures established to help the African Union carry out peace and security tasks. This paper analyses the EU’s support to this security architecture, focusing on financial and training aspects.

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    01February 2009

    This report follows on from the series of seminars organised in 2008 by the EUISS on the European Security Strategy. It contributes to the debate on policy options generated by the December 2008 European Council, which put forward guidelines for the implementation of the Strategy in the coming years, and looks at how to increase the consistency and coherence of EU external action.

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    21January 2009

    In this issue EUISS Director Álvaro de Vasconcelos welcomes the new moral authority based on respect for fundamental values that President Barack Obama brings to the United States. Damien Helly writes about Chad after EUFOR, the options for the follow-on UN mission there and their implications for the reputation of EU military missions. Also featured are reports from the Institute’s two major events of 2008, the Washington Forum and Annual Conference.

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    20January 2009

    This collaborative effort of the EUISS research team highlights what it considers to be the major political event of 2009: the election of President Barack Obama and the impact that the change in the American administration will have on the world. It covers the priority areas for US-EU cooperation of global governance, climate change, disarmament and non-proliferation, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and transatlantic relations.

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    03January 2009

    Depuis son indépendance en 1955, le Soudan a été presque continuellement le théâtre de conflits sanglants. Si les événements du Darfour ont focalisé l’attention, le sud du pays est également un lieu de tensions entre le gouvernement de Khartoum et le Mouvement populaire de Libération du Soudan (MPLS). Certaines similitudes quant à l’origine des affrontements nous ont conduits à établir une corrélation entre ces deux zones.

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    01January 2009

    EULEX Kosovo is finally up and running after a long planning phase. It began operations on 9 December 2008 and has been breaking new ground for the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) as the EU's largest civilian mission.

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    31December 2008

    This account of the complex negotiation process on the final status of Kosovo analyses how the international community ended up with the very result of independence that it had most wanted to avoid at the outbreak of the crisis. It tracks the process from the initial negotiations in Vienna in 2006 to Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in February 2008.

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    31December 2008

    This paper examines the proposals on European defence under discussion during the 2008 French EU Presidency. While Americans and Europeans alike support stronger EU-NATO cooperation, the output has so far been unsatisfactory. The paper examines initiatives for a stronger, more unitary European security structure.
