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As part of its mission to find a common security culture for the EU, to help develop and project the CFSP, and to enrich Europe’s strategic debate, the Institute regularly releases publications on the topics and regions at the core of the Union's work.

The Institute’s flagship publication is its series of Chaillot Papers, which are based on focused, in-depth research. The EUISS also publishes a Yearbook (YES), Reports, and shorter Briefs.

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    29July 2016

    This Brief seeks to explain why (and when) coups happen. What conditions are needed to persuade the military to attempt to topple a government? And what elements increase the likelihood of success or failure?

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    29July 2016

    Both Russia and ISIL/Daesh have engaged in aggressive messaging and deceptive media campaigns, albeit with distinct narratives, targets and audiences. This Report analyses the ‘what’ and the ‘how’; and also draws attention to strategic communications efforts undertaken by the EU.

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    22July 2016

    Given the recent increase in Russian underwater activity in the Baltic Sea and North Atlantic, how can Europe to collectively manage, deter, and counter any undersea provocations? This Alert explains how the best underwater defences are submarines themselves.

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    22July 2016

    The forthcoming publication of the European Commission’s Defence Action Plan (EDAP) and the likely creation of a European Defence Research Programme (ERDP) make institutional streamlining and creative thinking in the field of defence vital. How can the EU best rationalise its defence policy?

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    22July 2016

    This Alert explains why CSDP ‘White Book’ or a Security and Defence Strategy (SDS) will have to be developed if the EUGS is to be fully implemented. But what should an SDS entail?

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    22July 2016

    This Alert looks at the indications in the EUGS on the way the military instrument(s) at the EU’s disposal should be used, further developed (in a cooperative manner) and connected to other internal and external actors.

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    13July 2016

    As the US solidifies its position in the Pacific through the Trans-Pacific-Partnership (TPP) agreement, China is striving to rebalance to the West. The ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative is now driving the promotion of loans, investments and high-technology in the Middle East. But what are Beijing’s wider strategic goals?

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    13July 2016

    More than six months after the Paris climate talks concluded with a historic agreement, this Brief looks at how key trends in energy technology, investment and geopolitics will influence energy policy decisions across Europe and around the globe?

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    08July 2016

    EU citizens are increasingly migrating abroad as developing countries become more attractive destinations. Diaspora communities are becoming more important, while the emergence of more circular, bi-directional migratory patterns presents an opportunity to turn ‘brain drain’ into ‘brain exchange’

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    07July 2016

    This Report investigates opportunities for improving European strategic thinking on space security. It analyses potential threats to critical European space infrastructure, and offers ideas for improving space system resilience, reducing external dependence, and working with international partners to ensure a secure and sustainable environment for outer space activities.
