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As part of its mission to find a common security culture for the EU, to help develop and project the CFSP, and to enrich Europe’s strategic debate, the Institute regularly releases publications on the topics and regions at the core of the Union's work.

The Institute’s flagship publication is its series of Chaillot Papers, which are based on focused, in-depth research. The EUISS also publishes a Yearbook (YES), Reports, and shorter Briefs.

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    23May 2017

    This Brief takes a look at the state of play in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in the run-up to the bi-regional EU-CELAC summit in El Salvador in October. What can the Union expect to achieve at the summit? And what kind of partner can CELAC be for the EU.

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    17May 2017

    Cyber history provides many examples of crises that should make users, governments and businesses take immediate action. But the recent WannaCry attack shows, all stakeholders have been slow (or unwilling) to learn the lessons of these past experiences and implement effective countermeasures.

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    17May 2017

    The EUISS Yearbook of European Security (YES) is the Institute’s annual publication compiling key documents and data related to the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). This 2017 edition offers a comprehensive picture of the actors, institutions and processes that underpinned the Union’s foreign and security policy and external action in 2016.

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    03May 2017

    Israeli-Palestinian security cooperation, one of the cornerstones of the Oslo Accords, appears to be under threat. What are the reasons behind the current crisis and what could happen if this cooperation falls apart?

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    03May 2017

    The third edition of the EUISS Security Monthly Stats (SMS) illustrates data linked to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). How has the region changed since the 2011 Arab Spring? And what has been the Union’s response in terms of Official Development Assistance (ODA)?

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    26April 2017

    Through carefully targeted financial incentives the European Commission hopes that the European Defence Fund can help change the rules of the game for European defence cooperation. But how might the Commission structure or modulate it?

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    26April 2017

    This Alert looks at the coordinated annual review on defence (‘CARD’) announced at the end of 2016. How could CARD change the way defence cooperation operates in Europe?

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    26April 2017

    Over the past decades, defence cooperation has helped European countries preserve their security. Defence cooperation in the second machine age may, however, need to evolve and move beyond traditional joint procurement programmes to pertain also to new domains.

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    19April 2017

    After tensions between the government and citizens reached a boiling point in November 2015, a vicious cycle of protests and repression subsequently took hold for over a year. What, if anything, has the ruling party learned?

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    19April 2017

    What generalisations can be made about African growth episodes between 1950 and today? This Brief seeks to dispel some of the negative narratives about Africa’s economic record, as well as discern factors which could lead to future growth on the continent.
