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The African continent is undergoing profound transformations. Traditional and hybrid threats, growing violent extremism, structural and climate-related vulnerabilities, and migratory pressures represent some of the challenges faced by the continent.

At the same time, Africa is also witnessing fast-paced political, economic and technological progress. This is radically changing its societies and institutions,  with African countries gaining a new prominence in a multipolar world, as demonstrated by the accession of the African Union (AU) to the G20 in September 2023.

External shocks, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, have accelerated pre-existing trends.

The relationship between the European Union and African countries and institutions is also evolving, reflecting the new and more competitive geopolitical realities.

The Joint Communication ‘Towards a Comprehensive Strategy with Africa’ calls for a strengthened EU strategic alliance with Africa. It aims to enhance cooperation on global and multilateral affairs based on a clear understanding of respective and mutual interests and responsibilities. The Strategy also highlights shared commitments between the AU and EU, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063. ‘A Joint Vision for 2030’, adopted in 2022, reiterates the need for a closer partnership for a common future and identifies key priorities in four domains: prosperity and sustainability, peace and security, migration and mobility and multilateralism.

EUISS research on Africa

The EUISS provides innovative research, analysis and advice to support EU and Member States’ strategies and policies towards Africa. Our objective is to contribute to forging a stronger partnership between the two continents.

The EUISS uses its convening power to facilitate knowledge sharing, brainstorming, consensus building and dialogues with stakeholders and local partners, to break new ground on matters affecting Africa-EU relations. The Institute looks at evolving conflict dynamics across the continent, formulating recommendations on how to strengthen the implementation of the EU’s integrated approach.

The EUISS also monitors political, economic and security trends in countries at risk of falling or relapsing into conflict, to make the case for prevention when EU action can be impactful, using strategic foresight methodologies.

Finally, the EUISS studies the African geopolitical landscape and the role of new geopolitical actors projecting their influence in the continent, as well as related emerging challenges, such as cyber risks and hybrid threats.

Flagship initiatives

Chaillot Papers

Four flagship publications exploring the new geo-strategic landscape in Africa:

  • The Africa Atlas ‘maps’ areas of shared interest in the partnership between the EU and the AU and key trends and trajectories by means of visuals and infographics, thus letting data speak through graphics, charts and maps.
  • African Spaces accounts for physical and non-physical spaces where geopolitical competition takes place in the continent.
  • African Futures 2030 uses foresight scenarios to explore the implications of the African Continental Free Trade Area for peace and prosperity.
  • African Strategies analyses the evolution of European and global actors’ strategies towards the continent, as a result of the ‘new scramble for Africa’.


Since January 2019, the EUISS organises regular meetings with the European Council’s Working Party on Africa (COAFR). Sessions are designed to provide delegates of EU Member States with innovative approaches and facilitate knowledge-sharing on selected regions, countries or topics, contributing to Africa-related policy planning and joint analysis.

Conflict Series – Policy Briefs

The Conflict Series examines contemporary conflict situations and conflict-related thematic issues to contribute to enhanced conflict analysis that serves policy planning and policymaking. Several analyses of African conflict situations have been published under the series.

Imagine Africa Series – Policy Briefs

The Imagine Africa Series provided a platform for African experts to discuss potential futures for Africa using strategic foresight scenarios on selected priority areas for Africa-Europe cooperation. Five policy briefs were published under the series and dedicated to the broad theme of ‘people-centred development’. The full list is available here.

African Futures Task Force

From November 2019 to December 2020, the EUISS ran an African Futures Task Force. Its main objective was to explore trends affecting the future of Africa in the next ten years, emphasising challenges and opportunities for policymaking. The task force resulted in the publication of the Chaillot Paper ‘African Futures 2030: free trade, peace and prosperity’ on 9 March 2021.



  • © EU institute for Security Studies
    29November 2022

    On 29 November, Giovanni Faleg spoke at a webinar on Japan’s policy towards Africa, organised by the Initiative Globale pour la Paix et la Sécurité en Afrique (IGPSA) and the Timbuktu Institute-African Center for Peace Studies.

  • 28November 2022

    On 28 November, the EUISS and the Africa Working Party of the Council of the EU (COAFR) held the 19th session of the EUISS-COAFR meetings to discuss the future of food security in Africa.

  • Download Brief
    18November 2022
    Despite the fact that Africa is well-positioned to become the world’s breadbasket, many African countries are plagued by food shortages. The final Brief in the Imagine Africa series focuses on the issue of food security in Africa and examines what approaches and policies could be pursued to achieve a Zero Hunger continent by 2030.
  • Image of panel
    17November 2022

    On 17-18 November, Giovanni Faleg participated in the seminar “Consolidating maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea: present and future of an alliance for stability and prosperity”.

  • Image of panel
    07October 2022

    On 7 October, Giovanni Faleg participated in the conference “Foresight in the European Union”, organised by the European General Studies programme and the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies.

  • Bridge by waterfalls. Photo by James Forbes on Unsplash
    04October 2022

    Giovanni Faleg participated in a webinar organised by Amani Africa, the Institute of Security Studies, the Institute for Peace and Security Studies and the European Centre for Development Policy Management on the topic “Can the Ukraine conflict build bridges between Africa and Europe?”.

  • Title of the event
    26September 2022

    On 26 September, the EUISS and the European Council’s Working Party on Africa (COAFR) held their eighteenth meeting to discuss and celebrate a fundamental partner to Europe: the African Union (AU).

  • barb wire fence
    14September 2022

    On 14 September, Giovanni Faleg spoke at the Webinar “Sub-Saharan Africa Risk Outlook: Internationalisation of protracted conflicts and faltering responses” organized by the International Institute for Security Studies (IISS).  

  • Download Brief
    31August 2022
    This fourth Brief in the Imagine Africa series examines the issue of population movement and migratory flows – both within and outside Africa – and seeks to identify likely changes in future migration patterns, and how these will impact on the partnership between the AU and the EU.
  • 25May 2022

    On 25 May, the EUISS and the French Presidency of the EU, with the support of the European External Action Service, organised a roundtable on “Countering Information Manipulation in CSDP”.



  • Download Brief
    04December 2020
    Despite routine declarations that connect Sahelian terrorism to climatic and environmental factors, available scientific evidence does not allow us to conclude whether (and what) climatic factors impact (and how) conflict variability and terrorism. This Brief explores why.
  • Download document
    30June 2020
    European and global approaches towards sub-Saharan Africa

    This Chaillot Paper analyses the evolution of EU member states’ strategies towards sub-Saharan Africa, as well as those of global actors, against the backdrop of systemic changes, including the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic. It seeks to identify the points of convergence – and divergence – in member states’ strategies, and examines how a coherent, joint EU strategy can be achieved.

  • Download Brief
    11June 2020
    The global crisis caused by the Covid-19 outbreak has had particularly disruptive consequences for conflict-affected countries around the world. Armed groups have capitalised on the crisis, while the global distraction caused by the pandemic has made it difficult to seize opportunities for peace. This Brief analyses key repercussions in conflict-affected countries in general, and in five countries in particular: Colombia, Libya, Sudan, Ukraine and Yemen.
  • Download Brief
    31March 2020
    Russia is mounting a remarkable political comeback in sub-Saharan Africa through a ‘low costs, high returns and visibility’ approach. Can a coherent strategy be discerned behind this push? And how is sub-Saharan Africa reacting to Russia’s overtures and what does it mean for the EU?
  • Download document
    24January 2020
    Edited by

    According to a famous science fiction film, the future is what you make of it. This Chaillot Paper takes this quote from Back to the Future to heart, proposing 14 different portraits of the future for the year 2024.

  • Download Brief
    08October 2019
    Strengthening the resilience of the Ethiopian state and preventing an escalation of political violence are two policy priorities in view of the 2020 elections. But how can conflict risks be mitigated? And can the ambitious reform agenda be reconciled with concrete local needs and ethnic grievances?
  • Download Brief
    25September 2019
    This Brief analyses the recent civil resistance in Sudan, and explores the reasons for the resilience and longevity that have characterised it compared to previous protest movements in the country. In particular, it examines how the events in Sudan demonstrate the potential of strategic non-violence to bring about societal change, even in the face of violent repression. It concludes by outlining three scenarios for the transition process.
  • Download document
    18July 2019

    The 2019 Yearbook of European Security provides an overview of events in 2018 that were significant for European security and charts major developments in the EU’s external action and security and defence policy.

  • Download Brief
    10April 2019
    This Brief demonstrates how a ‘pivot’ to conflict prevention in foreign assistance to Mozambique is needed, adjusting international donors’ support towards more targeted conflict-prevention objectives, and balancing the need for conflict sensitivity with the imperative of effective relief and recovery interventions in the areas hit by the cyclone. But it is important to realise that the ‘prevention window’ will not remain open indefinitely, and timely action is therefore of the essence.
  • Download Brief
    09April 2019
    This Brief launches a new EUISS series on conflicts, by focusing on the renewed attention to prevention in international peacebuilding at a time when the human and economic costs of violent conflict keep rising.


