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Over the last decade, the global economic and strategic balance has been shifting eastwards. Asia is the largest and the most populous continent, with China and India alone already accounting for one-third of the global population. Asia is home to some of the world’s most dynamic and fastest growing economies, but also to some most complex security hotspots. From tensions on the Korean Peninsula to maritime territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas, there are a number of issues which have the potential to spark more serious conflict. The rise of China is affecting the balance of power in the region, and has resulted in increased competition with the US for influence. This is also increasingly visible in the Indian Ocean, which has become a new theatre of strategic competition between China and India. While there are various multilateral cooperative mechanisms in the region, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) or the East Asia Summit, their capacity to address such security issues remains limited.

As a key trading partner of many Asian economies, the EU has a major stake in regional stability, as well as in the security of its Sea Lanes of Communication. Since announcing its ‘pivot to Asia’ in 2012, Brussels has been trying to step up its security role in Asia by boosting cooperation with its various Strategic Partners, as well as through existing multilateral fora. The EUISS has been working to support these efforts by providing relevant expertise and analysis and conducting research in domains that have the potential to enhance regional stability and raise the EU’s security profile. Key areas of focus are maritime security and governance, preventive diplomacy, confidence and capacity building, crisis prevention, multilateralism, regional integration and institution building.


  • Antenna on blue sky background - Photo by Nima Mot on Unsplash
    16February 2023

    On 16 February, the EUISS organised a seminar to examine existing and planned inter-regional connectivity initiatives around Afghanistan.

  • Image featuring the title of the meeting - © EUISS
    26January 2023

    On 26 January, the EUISS and the Genron NPO, the EU-Japan Strategic Dialogue organised a meeting which brought together experts from both sides to discuss the recent evolution of their respective security frameworks.

  • Download Brief
    16December 2022
    Lying at the crossroads of Central and South Asia, Afghanistan constitutes a key transit hub.  This Brief explores how tapping into regional trade, energy and transport connectivity around the country can yield significant benefits for the broader region.
  • Image of Afghan flag - © Unsplash
    09December 2022

    The EUISS and the EEAS organised a series of roundtable discussions that brought together senior Afghan and international policy practitioners and experts for an assessment of international support, including that of the EU, in Afghanistan over the past two decades.

  • © EU institute for Security Studies
    29November 2022

    On 29 November, Giovanni Faleg spoke at a webinar on Japan’s policy towards Africa, organised by the Initiative Globale pour la Paix et la Sécurité en Afrique (IGPSA) and the Timbuktu Institute-African Center for Peace Studies.

  • © EU institute for Security Studies
    25November 2022

    On November 25, the EUISS hosted a delegation of the Asia-Oceania Working Party (COASI) for a brainstorming session entitled "China’s 20th Party Congress: A Game Changer?".

  • Download Brief
    23November 2022
    This Brief examines how the rise to power of Narendra Modi as the head of the nationalist BJP has changed India’s politics and diplomacy, and analyses the implications for the EU’s efforts to pursue closer engagement with the country.
  • Panelists on stage during conference ©AmCham Tirana
    20September 2022

    Senior Analyst Alice Ekman participated in a conference organised by the American Chamber of Commerce in Albania on the topic of “Cybersecurity risks and mitigations for smart and connected cities”. 

    20September 2022

    On 20 September, Alice Ekman participated in the 2022 edition of the Brussels Korea Forum, organized by the Korea Chair at the Brussels School of Governance.

  • Download Brief
    15September 2022
    Over the past two decades, China has emerged as a key trading partner for Latin America. This Brief shows how the asymmetric nature of the economic relationship between China and a large number of LAC countries enables Beijing to exert leverage over its partners, as it systematically expands its political influence in the region.





  • China miniseries logo
    17July 2020

    The EUISS foresight podcast looks at the role of a rising China in the form of a three-part miniseries. 

  • Podcast season 2 logo
    15July 2020

    The EUISS' ‘What if’ podcast returns for a second season, this time looking at the foreign policy implication of the covid19 crisis.

  • Participants of EUISS side event at MSC
    14February 2020

    The EUISS hosted a foresight side event at the global security forum.

  • Photo of EUISS podcast recording studio
    09January 2020

    The EUISS ‘What if’ podcast is a foreign policy foresight conversation: it looks at fictional scenarios that could happen between now and the end of 2021.

  • 14December 2018

    On 14 December 2018, the EUISS co-organised the EU-China Informal Security Dialogue in Beijing, together with the External Action Service (EEAS), the International College of Defence Studies (ICDS) of the China National Defence University and the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of the Renmin University of China (RDCY).

  • 26January 2018

    On 26 January 2018, the EUISS organised a public conference to present a report on Chinese and Russian defence industries and to discuss the issue of European arms exports to Asia.

  • 25January 2018

    On Thursday 25 January, the CSCAP EU Committee convened for its fifth annual meeting in Brussels. The Committee held a workshop on arms exports, defence markets, and new dynamics in EU-Asia relations.

  • 22November 2017

    The EUISS, the Centre for Internet & Society and the EU Delegation to India and Bhutan invited members of civil society to exchange views on cybersecurity capacity building in New Delhi.

  • 21September 2017

    The EUISS and the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) held the 4th EU-ROK Strategic Dialogue on 21 September in Brussels.

  • 16June 2017

    On 16 June, with the support of the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU, the EUISS organised a seminar to analyse a series of issues in relation to the planning, conduct, and handover of EUPOL Afghanistan.
