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Showing 11-20 of 61 results

Rouzbeh Parsi featured on France 24

21 May 2012

EUISS Research Fellow Rouzbeh Parsi took part in a debate on France 24 concerning the recent rise in violence in Lebanon and the potential radicalisation of Lebanese politics. 
France 24

The Institute's 10 year anniversary newsletter No. 36

03 May 2012

In this special edition newsletter marking the 10 year anniversary of the EUISS becoming an EU agency, Álvaro de Vasconcelos offers his insight as to why the EU needs to think strategically, James Elles MEP writes of the importance of the ESPAS project, and individual contributions from all EUISS Research Fellows identify key strategic trends in their respective areas of expertise.

The dominoes of war with Iran

07 March 2012

 Seldom has it been as justified to be pessimistic about developments between the United States, Israel, and Iran. This dysfunctional state of affairs is getting so out of hand that the danger of war is no longer just a remote possibility but instead looms large on the horizon.

Rouzbeh Parsi quoted in Deutsche Welle

02 March 2012

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted saying 'this election is a glimpse of just how bad the blood is between the various conservative factions' in an article on the Iranian elections.
Deutche Welle

Rouzbeh Parsi quoted in SvD Nyheter

02 March 2012

Rouzbeh Parsi has been quoted in an article in Swedish about the Iranian elections:  Den politiska gnistan i oppositionen finns inte kvar. Regimen har monterat ner allting som skulle kunna vara ett embryo till nya protester, säger Rouzbeh Parsi
SvD Nyheter

Rouzbeh Parsi quoted in SvD Nyheter

29 February 2012

Rouzbeh Parsi has been quoted in an article in Swedish about Iran:  [...] Så splittringen i de styrande kretsarna är stor och det får man väl säga är ett nationellt säkerhetsproblem! kommenterar Rouzbeh Parsi.  SvD Nyheter

Rouzbeh Parsi cited in the European Voice

24 February 2012

Rouzbeh Parsi was cited by Toby Vogel in the article A credible alternative for Iran?: "He argues that the PMOI takes up political space that could be filled by more credible opposition groups". European Voice

Iran: a revolutionary republic in transition

09 February 2012
Edited by

Iran is in the throes of a transition where its fundamental tenets are being called into question. This paper provides an in-depth assessment of Iranian state and society since the 1979 revolution, focusing particularly on the social and political turmoil of the past five years.
