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Showing 1071-1080 of 2772 results

South Sudan: the cost of conflict

16 June 2016

Although the comprehensiveness of the EU’s approach to addressing the South Sudanese crisis has set a positive precedent, the costly disbursement of over €414m in crisis-response financing is a stark reminder of the need to re-invest in peace.

Great Lakes – weak democracies?

16 June 2016

Presidential attempts to extend term limits in the Great Lakes region have resuscitated a debate over their impact on security. But beyond these presidential predicaments, questions have been raised over the erosion of democratic accountability across the region.

Migration to Europe: the numbers game

10 June 2016

Europe is playing a numbers game – the mastery of data and information. What can be done to improve the chances of winning? And why is effective communication over the refugee crisis – to EU citizens as well as migrants – so vital?

Islamic radicalism in the Balkans

10 June 2016

This Alert seeks to draw attention to the often overlooked problem of Islamic extremist movements in the Balkans. Given the region’s moderate traditions, why are radical Islamist groups now proving so popular?

Competing for ransom: AQIM vs. Daesh

09 June 2016

Thanks to Daesh’s recent territorial gains in Libya, its rivalry with the al-Qaeda network has been taken to the next level. In their battle for supporters, fighters and funding, the jihadists are competing fiercely for the most lucrative ‘industry’ in the region: kidnapping-for-ransom.

What news from the Daesh front?

09 June 2016

This Alert offers an overview of the progress made on the multiple fronts of the war against Daesh. Have the international coalition’s efforts to degrade and destroy the jihadist organisation had a meaningful impact?
