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Showing 1311-1320 of 2772 results

Defence spending 2014: the big picture

02 April 2015

In 2014 the world spent more on defence than ever before, with three players standing out as essential drivers of this trend: China, Saudi Arabia and Russia. Are their heavy investments in defence having an impact on their behaviour in their respective regional environments?

EUISS Brief 14 in Die Welt

28 March 2015

The Brief 'China’s way: the new Silk Road' was linked in the article 'China will neue "regionale Ordnung" aufbauen'.
Die Welt

Algeria’s army: on jihadist alert

20 March 2015

Algerian decision-making circles have come to the conclusion that the country is once again facing a protracted war with Islamist terrorism. But unlike the dark decade of the 1990’s, Algiers is now combating jihadists which operate across borders and threaten its entire neighbourhood.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: back on an EU track?

20 March 2015

Two decades after the Dayton Peace Agreement, Bosnian politics remains paralysed. What is Europe doing to assist Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path to EU membership? And what are the major obstacles facing the divided country?

Russia’s info-war: the home front

18 March 2015

President Putin has scored a decisive victory on the home front of Russia’s information war: official media have convinced the people that Putin alone stands between Russia and a return to chaos. But with the economic outlook deteriorating, for how long can appearances continue to diverge from reality?

Asia: disasters as opportunities?

13 March 2015

What progress has been made in Asia with regard to Search and Rescue (SAR) and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations since the aviation disasters of last year? Can anything positive emerge from the tragedies?

Arctic matters: in from the cold?

13 March 2015

With the next summit of the Arctic Council expected to deal with the EU’s pending application to become a recognised observer in the organisation, this Alert takes a look at the cooperation efforts – and tensions – in the far north.

EUFOR RCA: tough start, smooth end

13 March 2015

With the EU-led operation in the Central African Republic (CAR), EUFOR RCA, coming to an end after a little less than a year, this Alert assesses the outcome of the mission. What lessons can be drawn from the experience of its launch and deployment?

EU-China Strategic Dialogue 2015

13 March 2015

On 13 March, the EUISS and the China Institute for Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) held their annual exchange of views in Beijing.

China: setting the agenda(s)?

06 March 2015

Since Xi Jinping came to power, China has been pursuing a more active foreign policy. With Beijing now expanding its ambitious infrastructure development plans to Europe and Central Asia, how could the EU shape a common approach based on its priorities in Asia?
