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Showing 1421-1430 of 2772 results

Bosnia 1914-2014: what lessons?

27 June 2014

In the week marking the centenary of the assassinations in Sarajevo that triggered the First World War, this Alert looks back at Bosnia’s violent trajectory over the past hundred years and assesses the situation in the country today. From this historical perspective, it examines in particular what lessons the Bosnia experience might hold for the current crisis in Ukraine.

The Arab War(s) on Terror

27 June 2014

As Islamic extremists continue their advance across Iraq, this Brief takes stock of terrorism-related developments in the Middle East and North Africa. What factors explain the escalation in terror attacks? And what steps – legal or otherwise – are governments taking to counter the ‘jihadi highway’ that now spans the region?

Re-mapping the Sahel: transnational security challenges and international responses

24 June 2014

This report is based upon the research activities and seminars conducted by the EUISS within the framework of its Sahel Task Force between September 2013 and April 2014, focusing on the security situation in the Sahel region. It explores the link between security and development challenges, as well as efforts to increase regional cooperation to tackle the complexity of the challenges in the Sahel.

Visions of North-East Asia – China, Japan, Korea and the EU

20 June 2014

With the need for security and stability in North-East Asia rarely having been more pressing than now, this Brief explores those initiatives – such as the NAPCI – that seek to overcome (or just manage and contain) regional divisions. Can the EU help close the "Pandora’s box" before it is too late?

The South China Sea’s commons: behind and beyond sovereignty disputes

20 June 2014

As skirmishes over sovereignty and boundary delimitations in the South China Sea continue, its rich marine natural environment and resources are suffering. This Alert stresses the need for good governance and cooperation at sea, highlighting the direct link between negative socio-economic impacts of environmental degradation, domestic stability and regional security.
