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Showing 1801-1810 of 2772 results

Egyptian democracy and the Muslim Brotherhood

18 November 2011

This publication examines the current context and future prospects in Egypt ahead of the first round of parliamentary elections in November, with special attention to the role and position of the Muslim Brotherhood. The contributors examine the various options, opportunities and challenges facing both domestic and external actors with regard to the country’s future and the Muslim Brotherhood’s political trajectory.

Global governance — building on the civil society agenda

16 November 2011

This volume examines the role of civil society actors in global governance. It explores how civil society organisations are contributing to the global dialogue on key issues such as humanitarian assistance, peacebuilding and development. The book explores the impact of civil society on governance and the democratisation process.

How could the Arab democratic wave change Africa?

15 November 2011

The Arab democratic wave has not had an effect on Africa as much as some had hoped. But the situation on the other side of the Sahara is more nuanced. Here, the author explores several scenarios where sub-Saharan African nations may face crucial turning points.

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by Russia Today:

14 November 2011

Iran will have to follow the additional Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty protocol to convince the world that its nuclear program is peaceful, Rouzbeh Parsi, Research Fellow at the EU Institute for Security Studies, believes.
Russia Today

Rouzbeh Parsi took part in a debate on France 24

10 November 2011

"In the Middle East, when you don’t take action, it’s [a sign of] weakness",insists Likud Member of the Knesset Danny Davon. Others though wonders if sanctions and strikes against Iran won’t simply serve to thaw the current chill between Iran and the Arab World. France 24

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by

09 November 2011

Sådan formulerer den svensk-iranske analytiker Rouzbeh Parsi fra European Institute for Security Studies i Paris en kort version af den årelange strid om øget kontrol med og indsigt i ‘udestående spørgsmål’ om Irans atomprogram, som USA, EU og Israel har efterlyst.

The G-20 after the Cannes Summit

07 November 2011

This timely seminar kicked off with a video-link keynote speech given by Olli Rehn, Commission Vice-President for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro who, between the Cannes Summit and preparing the Eurogroup meeting, agreed to answer participants' probing questions.

EU-Washington Forum mentioned in

07 November 2011

V rámci svého programu premiér Nečas ve čtvrtek přednese na fóru s názvem EU Washington Forum 2001 projev na téma středoevropský pohled na Transatlantickou alianci.
