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Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by Russia Today:

14 November 2011

Iran will have to follow the additional Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty protocol to convince the world that its nuclear program is peaceful, Rouzbeh Parsi, Research Fellow at the EU Institute for Security Studies, believes.
Russia Today

Rouzbeh Parsi took part in a debate on France 24

10 November 2011

"In the Middle East, when you don’t take action, it’s [a sign of] weakness",insists Likud Member of the Knesset Danny Davon. Others though wonders if sanctions and strikes against Iran won’t simply serve to thaw the current chill between Iran and the Arab World. France 24

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by

09 November 2011

Sådan formulerer den svensk-iranske analytiker Rouzbeh Parsi fra European Institute for Security Studies i Paris en kort version af den årelange strid om øget kontrol med og indsigt i ‘udestående spørgsmål’ om Irans atomprogram, som USA, EU og Israel har efterlyst.

Rouzbeh Parsi was interviewed on Sverigesradio:

13 October 2011

...Enligt amerikanerna har komplotten styrts av Irans säkerhetstjänst men de nekar till anklagelserna. Samtal med Rouzbeh Parsi, forskare vid EU:s institut för säkerhetspolitiska studier... Sverigesradio

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by Svenska Dagbladet

22 July 2011

"Khamenei vill nog ha kvar honom i två år av det simpla skälet att det just nu inte finns en trovärdig och lydig efterträdare", säger svenskiranske Rouzbeh Parsi, tidigare Lundaforskare, numera Iranexpert vid EU:s tankesmedja Institute for Security Studies i Paris. SvD

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by Deutsche Welle:

24 May 2011

Khamenei's reprimand has left the president in a very weak position, analysts agreed. Rouzbeh Parsi from the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) in Paris says it was important that the Supreme Leader made this evident. Deutsche Welle

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by CNBC:

23 May 2011

Rouzbeh Parsi, Iran expert at the EU Institute for Security Studies, told that while the sanctions may well affect the economy, the effect on the nuclear program itself could be limited.
