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Carolin Goerzig was interviewed on France 24:

28 July 2010

Visiting Fellow Carolin Goerzig took part in a programme on the recent hostage crisis which ultimately saw the killing of 78-year-old French aid worker, Michel Germaneau, by a group calling itself Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. France 24

EU external policy under the Lisbon Treaty

26 July 2010

Organised in cooperation with the Spanish Presidency of the EU, this seminar served as a timely opportunity to reflect on how foreign policy under the Lisbon Treaty should respond to global challenges.

Rouzbeh Parsi was interviewed on Sverigesradio:

16 July 2010

On Thursday evening some 20 people were killed and hundreds injured in a suicide attack in the province of Baluchestan province in southeastern Iran. Rebel group Jundallah have claimed the attack. Who are they and how does this conflict the Iranian regime?

The Institute's quarterly newsletter No.32

13 July 2010

In this quarter's issue of the newsletter, EUISS director Álvaro de Vasconcelos writes about Europe's need to continue impressing its brand of multilateral governance. Guest author Srdjan Dizdarevic; suggests that for BiH to move faster towards the EU, civil society is key in pushing the country's politicians for faster reforms. EUISS Senior Research Fellow Giovanni Grevi explores the future of global governance amidst the shifts in power away from the EU and the US and toward emerging countries.

Quelle défense européenne en 2020?

08 July 2010

L’édition originale de cet ouvrage a été publiée en anglais en juillet 2009, puis mise à jour en octobre. C’est la version française, révisée après l’entrée en vigueur du Traité de Lisbonne, que nous présentons au lecteur avec une nouvelle préface par Catherine Ashton, Haute Représentante/Vice-présidente de la Commission européenne.

Africa Briefing — Somalia's prospects?

02 July 2010

Somalia has developed into a serious security challenge both regionally and internationally. It is a hotbed of Islamist terror and the origin of an increasing wave of piracy. This seminar provided an update and analysis of the Somali crisis, exploring avenues for sustainable crisis resolution and crisis management approaches.
