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Damien Helly was quoted in

26 January 2010

Die Zusammen- arbeit der verschiedenen EU-Einrichtungen sei folglich "enttäuschend suboptimal" gewesen, lautet das Fazit von Damien Helly vom EU-Institut für strategische Studien in Paris.

The future of Haiti: not simply a matter of money

22 January 2010

The devastating earthquake in Haiti tore apart the already impoverished nation, setting back recent development efforts by several years. But simply pouring money and personnel into the country will not secure its future. What Haiti desperately needs is its diaspora and a legitimate local leadership, writes Damien Helly.

'The Obama Moment' Book Launch

20 January 2010

The Obama Moment’ was launched in Brussels on 20 January 2010, the first anniversary of US President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

Planning for EU military operations

20 January 2010

The EU's military planning capacity is in need of a major overhaul. The lack of a permanent operational planning headquarters undermines peacekeeping performance, and more broadly, the development of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). This Occasional Paper seeks to reconcile the need to address existing deficiencies in military planning and command and control with the general resistance to a permanent military operational headquarters.

Daniel Keohane was quoted by Berlingske Tildende:

19 January 2010

"Der er ikke nogen militærkonflikt på Haiti, der er langt mere tale om civile uroligheder. At have en blanding af soldater og gendarmer er bedre, for så kan man håndtere situationen uanset, hvad der sker," mener også Daniel Keohane fra Den Europæiske Unions Institut for Sikkerhedsstudier.

Álvaro de Vasconcelos was quoted by Junge Welt:

19 January 2010

Der … Vertrag von Lissabon liefert nun auch die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, um die EU-Militarisierung zu forcieren…Der mit Abstand wichtigste Forderungskatalog ist in diesem Zusammenhang ein Sammelband des »Institute for Security Studies« (ISS) der Europäischen Union.
