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Showing 231-240 of 2767 results

Jan Joel Andersson in Le Monde

17 February 2023

Jan Joel Andersson was quoted in an article discussing the use of military technology in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Alice Ekman on France24

14 February 2023

Alice Ekman was quoted in the article "How Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Changed Geopolitics". This article was taken up by a number of international media.

Yana Popkostova in Politico

14 February 2023

Yana Popkostova was quoted in the article "E-mission impossible: Why the war in Ukraine is pushing Europe’s militaries to decarbonize".

Alice Ekman on Le Collimateur

07 February 2023

Alice Ekman was a guest on the l'Institut de recherche stratégique de l'École militaire (IRSEM) podcast Le Collimateur to share her analysis on China and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Alice's intervention begins at 06:14. 

Alice Ekman on Télématin

06 February 2023

Alice Ekman's appearance on the French television show discussed escalating US-China tensions in the wake of the downed spy balloon.
