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Showing 2361-2370 of 2771 results

Un bilan

01 April 2007

Lorsque j’ai pris mes fonctions en 2002, l’Union était triomphante (lancement de l’euro, négociations du grand élargissement) et la PESC balbutiante. A la veille de mon départ cinq ans plus tard, le bilan est totalement inversé : l’Union traverse une crise majeure (de confiance, de projet, d’institutions, d’identité), mais la PESC est florissante et rares sont les crises extérieures dans lesquelles Javier Solana n’est pas sollicité.

Bagdad liegt zwischen Teheran und Riad

30 March 2007

Der Iran wird als aufstrebende Regionalmacht beschrieben. Doch an seiner strategischen Isolation hat sich nichts geändert. Im Gegenteil, sie wurde über das letzte Jahr noch verschärft.

Le Liban et la route vers la stabilité régionale

26 March 2007

On 26 March 2007, the Institute held a seminar to analyse the current situation in Lebanon and the potential contribution of the EU and of its member states to the stability of that country in the larger context of the Middle East.

GMES: the security dimension

16 March 2007

This seminar was organised with the support of the Council General Secretariat, the European Commission, and the EU Satellite Centre and sought to raise awareness of the security dimension of GMES and to obtain guidance for implementation.

EU security and defence — Core documents 2006 — Volume VII

01 March 2007

The civil war in Iraq, the nuclear issue in Iran, the war in Lebanon, the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock, the energy, Darfur, the disintegration of Somalia, tensions between Georgia and Russia: all these events have increased instability in the EU’s neighborhood in 2006, both to the east and to the south.

Why EU strategy is relevant today

01 March 2007

The European Union has considerably extended its sphere of activity and its strategic responsibilities since ESDP was launched in 1999. European mobilisation is no longer restricted to tackling crises in the Balkans.

Enter the EU Battlegroups

01 February 2007

This Chaillot Paper aims to give readers an overview of the EU Battlegroups and their prospective evolution. The study addresses four main questions: (i) the process leading to the creation of the EU Battlegroups; (ii) the main elements covered by the EU BG Concept; (iii) the principal challenges and prospects facing the EU Battlegroups; and (iv) how the EU Battlegroups are likely to evolve over the next few years.
