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Rouzbeh Parsi was interviewed on Sverigesradio:

21 August 2010

"They have always flatly denied these allegations. On the other hand they have not given the world reason to fully trust them. They have in certain regards not furnished the IAEA with the information they have asked for or needed.

Rouzbeh Parsi was interviewed on Sverigesradio:

16 July 2010

On Thursday evening some 20 people were killed and hundreds injured in a suicide attack in the province of Baluchestan province in southeastern Iran. Rebel group Jundallah have claimed the attack. Who are they and how does this conflict the Iranian regime?

A strategy for EU foreign policy

18 June 2010

This multi-author publication presents EUISS forecasts and perspectives on the European Union’s foreign policy strategy in the post-Lisbon Treaty context. The Report seeks to define what should be the basic guiding principles of EU foreign policy and how they should be applied in a set of priority areas.

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by Svenska Dagbladet

11 June 2010

Rouzbeh Parsi at the EU Institute for Security Studies believes that the regime's lack of confidence is a sign that it feels threatened internally. Svenska Dagbladet

Rouzbeh Parsi was interviewed on France 24:

09 June 2010

Today's Focus guests to discuss Iran's nuclear programme are Rouzbeh Parsi, a research fellow at the EU Institute for Security Studies, and Eva Singh, FRANCE 24 correspondent in Vienna. France 24

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by Deutsche Welle:

17 May 2010

"This is of course very beneficial for the Iranians as it will take some of the edge off the talk of further sanctions," Rouzbeh Parsi, an Iran expert at the European Union Institute for Security Studies in Paris, told Deutsche Welle. Deutsche Welle

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by Trend News

30 April 2010

"I think that Iran's proposal [on uranium exchange] is a bit belated.  Even those who want to give negotiations another chance are insisting on the Iranians actually doing something rather than just proposing different versions of a possible deal that's been around since last autumn."
