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Showing 431-440 of 2771 results

Patryk Pawlak in El País

30 January 2022

Patryk Pawlak was quoted in an article about competition in cyberspace: "¿Quién tiene más ciberpoder? Una radiografía de las capacidades de EE UU, China, Rusia y otras potencias"

Europe's energy crisis conundrum

28 January 2022
The energy crisis that engulfed Europe in 2021 continues to be a major source of concern. This Brief looks at the causes of the crisis, analyses its impacts and proposes strategic responses to enhance the EU’s resilience to energy market volatility as it pursues its ambitious decarbonisation strategy.

Is Africa lost in transitions?

25 January 2022

On January 25, the EUISS and the European Council’s Working Party on Africa (COAFR) held their fifteenth meeting to discuss democratic transitions, citizen engagement and peaceful mobilisation in Africa.

What if Africa stops receiving foreign aid?

20 January 2022
Addressing the possibility of declining investments and donor fatigue as a result of Covid-19, the third Brief in the Imagine Africa series explores what would happen if, for the first time in more than 60 years, Africa stops receiving development assistance and foreign investment.

Florence Gaub in DW

19 January 2022

Florence Gaub was interviewed about the effects of climate change in the Middle East. A topic she explored in the Chaillot paper 'Arab Climate Futures'.
