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Showing 61-70 of 2767 results

Alice Ekman in AFP

30 March 2024

In an episode of the AFP podcast, Dr Ekman explores Russia's resilience against Western sanctions following the invasion of Ukraine, emphasizing Moscow's reliance on its strategic alliance with China for robust diplomatic backing, signifying a shared ambition to shape a post-Western global order

Dalia Ghanem in Algerie Focus 

21 March 2024

In an interview with Algerie Focus, Dalia Ghanem gives her take on the Algerian-Moroccan crisis around the Western Sahara issue, noting “Over the last decade, Morocco has strengthened its diplomatic policy, particularly in Africa and towards certain countries of the European Union, while

Alice Ekman in l'Opinion

14 March 2024

Alice Ekman was interviewed in the article titled «Face à l’Europe, une offensive de charme chinoise qui demeure superficielle» to discuss Beijing's foreign policy.

Steven Everts in the Financial Times

14 March 2024

Director Steven Everts was quoted in the article "The West can still save Ukraine" by Simon Kuper. The piece argues that a victory for Ukraine is achievable if Western countries supply military equipment and training.

Decoding global contestation

13 March 2024

Director Steven Everts presented the Institute's upcoming analysis to the PSC, highlighting a shift from fragmented alliances to a more active contestation of the current global order.
