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Showing 891-900 of 2772 results

Daniel Fiott quoted in DW

03 October 2017

Daniel Fiott was quoted in the article 'EU-NATO hybrid threat center launched in Finland'.

Hybrid threats and the EU - State of play and future progress

02 October 2017

On 2 October 2017, the EUISS and the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU organised a high-level conference on hybrid threats. During three panels focusing on the current state of play, cyber resilience and strategic communications, the conference encouraged debate about the efforts made by the EU to counter hybrid threats.

The cybridisation of EU defence

27 September 2017

This Alert explains the importance of the defence dimensions of Europe's cyber security efforts. In addition to exercises and training, the Union is now increasingly in a position to financially invest in cyber defence.

Minilateralism and norms in cyberspace

27 September 2017

After the recent failure of UN-sponsored talks, a vigorous debate has taken place about the way to advance discussions over the rules governing state behaviour in cyberspace. What are the merits and pitfalls of alternative approaches? And how can different tracks be strategically intertwined?

EU-ROK Strategic Dialogue 2017

21 September 2017

The EUISS and the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) held the 4th EU-ROK Strategic Dialogue on 21 September in Brussels.

Resilience in the Western Balkans

20 September 2017

Prepared by the EUISS with the support and cooperation of the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) – examines how the Western Balkans has emerged once again as a potentially volatile geopolitical arena, and analyses the drivers underpinning both fragility and resilience in the countries of the region from a variety of perspectives.

Florence Gaub quoted in The Small Wars Journal

16 September 2017

Florence Gaub was referenced in the article 'Preventing OIF III: Using the Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework to Achieve a Sustainable Iraqi Security Force'.

SMS – Eastern neighbours, contested spaces

13 September 2017

The fifth edition of the EUISS Security Monthly Stats (SMS) compares the eastern neighbours’ relationships with the EU and Russia, respectively. Which of the two players dominates which sector? And how do Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine differ in terms of trade, remittances and views?

DPRK: game, reset and match?

19 July 2017

This Alert focuses on the new South Korean President's efforts to pursue a policy of re-engagement with Pyongyang, and assesses to what extent this approach has chances of success, given the paucity of other diplomatic options.
