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Showing 981-990 of 2772 results

Thierry Tardy quoted by RFI

16 February 2017

Thierry Tardy was quoted in the article 'Pourquoi depuis 20 ans l’ONU choisit des Français pour maintenir la paix'.
RFI (in French)

China's Road: into Eastern Europe

15 February 2017

China’s endeavour to establish new economic corridors in the region covered by the block’s Eastern Partnership (EaP) policy poses both opportunities and challenges. What are the best policy solutions to achieve synergy between European and Chinese projects in the region?

China's Road: into the Western Balkans

15 February 2017

Four years after Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the ‘New Silk Road’ initiative in 2013, the main thrust of the infrastructure projects has been in Asia. However, the Western Balkans is also becoming increasingly involved in related discussions and projects on its western end.

China and Russia: an Eastern partnership in the making?

15 February 2017

This Chaillot Paper sets out to evaluate the scope and the actual implementation of the ‘pivot to the East’ announced by Moscow in the wake of its confrontation with the West over Ukraine. The paper highlights the areas of convergence and divergence between Moscow and Beijing, the asymmetries in interests and resources, and their wider implications for Russia’s policy in Asia – thus providing an insightful and balanced assessment of bilateral relations and their ‘systemic’ impact.

The EU visa suspension mechanism

08 February 2017

This Alert looks at the insurance mechanism designed by the EU should migration flows run out of control or a partner renege on reform commitments. But how feasible is it actually for the EU to trigger the mechanism?

The refugee-development nexus

08 February 2017

In a marked shift from previous policies, many advanced economies are creating labour market integration initiatives for refugees. This Brief argues that although this might seem a shortcut to a more progressive strategy, it risks undermining the integrity of refugee policy and repeating the mistakes of the 1990s.

Adapting the Battlegroups

31 January 2017

The EU Battlegroups (EUBGs) are a military rapid reaction instrument specifically tailored to the Union’s approach to crisis management. This Alert looks at how this external policy instrument can be adapted on the basis of changing needs, as well as lessons learned.

European defence: the year ahead

31 January 2017

The European Union ended 2016 having agreed to a number of fresh initiatives designed to articulate (and act on) a new level of ambition for security and defence. This Brief assesses Permanent Structured Cooperation (PeSCo) as a potential game changer in the way EU member states cooperate on security and defence.

A handbook – The EU and the world: players and policies post-Lisbon

25 January 2017

This book is intended to offer interested readers a portrait of how the European Union conducts diplomacy – as well as defence, development and related policies. It offers an overview of how the EU has evolved as a foreign policy actor, and tries to convey both past dynamics and present trends.
