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Showing 1471-1480 of 2772 results

Lebanon: an officer and a president?

04 April 2014

This alert assesses the presidential ambitions of Michel Aoun, and explores the various scenarios that may play out in Lebanon given its history of electing presidents with a military background.

After Crimea: Putin’s balance sheet

04 April 2014

This Alert weighs up the costs and benefits of Putin’s recent military venture in Crimea, and demonstrates why, in the context of the foreign policy race between the Russia and the West, the latter may have to up its step.

Qatar: last Arab(ist) standing?

28 March 2014

In the wake of the diplomatic spat between Qatar and its Gulf neighbours, this Alert seeks out explanations for the highly active (and seemingly inconsistent) foreign policy of the energy-rich kingdom. As it shows, every single diplomatic act undertaken by Doha appears to feed into one overarching narrative: pan-Arabism.

Afghanistan: the view from Iran

28 March 2014

This Alert assesses Iran’s strategic aims in Afghanistan, highlighting how – despite Tehran’s primary goal of achieving stability in the country based on economic development – Iran often acts as a spoiler in the pursuit of protecting its own security interests in its immediate neighbourhood.

China’s energy demands: are they reshaping the world?

28 March 2014

Following the rise of China’s economy and subsequent discussions on the efficient use of resources, this Brief examines how China is seeking to manage its growing import dependency through diversification. With the EU and China becoming the world’s two most important energy importers, what effect will this have on the global energy markets?

Task Force on the eastern neighbourhood

28 March 2014

In light of the recent turbulence in the east and worsening of EU-Russia relations, the EUISS organised a Task Force meeting on the eastern neighbourhood on 28 March 2014 in Paris.

Nicu Popescu on Al Jazeera

24 March 2014

Nicu Popescu contributed to the discussion 'Ukraine: Are other regions in danger?'. Al Jazeera
