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Showing 1491-1500 of 2772 results

The EU and its (cyber) partnerships

14 March 2014

The rise of cybercrime and the threat this poses to the digital economy has led to increased awareness of the importance of a coordinated approach to internet governance, and of the need for intergovernmental mechanisms to support this. This Brief looks at the prospects for increased cyber defence cooperation at both international and regional levels.

EU cyber-defence: a work in progress

14 March 2014

Following the proposal to prepare an EU Cyber Defence Policy Framework at last December's European Council, this Brief seeks to explore how the EU can improve its cyber-defence capabilities and thereby better protect its critical infrastructure. What is there, for example, to be learned from international partners in this ‘greenfield’ domain?

Florence Gaub on RFI

13 March 2014

Florence Gaub spoke to RFI about the ex-prime minister of Libya and his flight from the country.

CSDP: getting third states on board

07 March 2014

Presented in the context of a broader CFSP agenda, this Brief provides an overview of the valuable contributions and political support by partner countries to CSDP missions to date. How can this process now be best employed to bolster the overall legitimacy of the EU’s international security role?

Defence budgets: Europe's Maginot moment?

07 March 2014

As EU member states try to juggle decreasing budgets and increasing costs in the face of an ever more unstable neighbourhood, is Europe trying to maintain its defences by cutting everything that makes them viable? This Brief suggests a few answers by looking at some of the latest data available on defence.

Three scenarios for Ukraine

07 March 2014

Following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, this Alert offers three possible scenarios on how developments in Crimea will play out. Are we witnessing a ‘Transnistrisation’ of Crimea? And what is at stake for both Putin and the West?

Managing crisis, building peace: EU and US comprehensive approaches

06 March 2014

On 6 March 2014, the EUISS, in cooperation with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, organised a seminar in Washington, D.C. to discuss the place of peace-building in respective EU and US institutional structures and broader strategic considerations.

Behind and beyond al-Sisi’s bid

28 February 2014

Egypt’s busy week began with the resignation of its government and ended with a further step in the empowerment of Field Marshal al-Sisi, now formally the head of the Supreme Council of Armed Forces. But should al-Sisi become president, how will the Egyptian military position itself?

EU and sub-Saharan Africa: an energy partnership?

28 February 2014

Sub-Saharan Africa is both blessed with immense energy resources and challenged by desperate energy poverty. This Brief explains how, as Europe diversifies its energy suppliers and seeks improved energy security, a focus on better energy governance and improved energy sustainability in Africa can help manage this contradiction.
