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Showing 1551-1560 of 2772 results

Ten years of EU military operations

15 November 2013

On the eve of the European Council´s summit on defence, the EU´s six military operations to date can be considered to have been carried out with a certain degree of success. This brief examines how the Union still has room to grow as a European security provider in the context of an international division of labour for military crisis management.

Funding peace operations: better value for EU money

08 November 2013

This Brief examines the question of EU funding for peace operations. It highlights the fact that, despite being a major financial contributor to a large number of peace operations, under current conditions the EU does not wield political influence commensurate with its financial engagement.

What energy security for the EU

08 November 2013

With volatility and uncertainty set to define global energy markets in the coming decade, well-designed energy policies will ensure that EU achieves the energy security it desires. How can this be achieved? And is it possible to effectively pursue energy security whilst taking into account environmental concerns – notably those related to climate change?

CSDP between internal constraints and external challenges

06 November 2013

This report is based on a conference on European defence jointly organised by the EUISS and King’s College London in September. It focuses on CSDP with a view to informing official debates leading up to the upcoming European Council meeting in December. In particular, the report stresses the importance of EU member states strengthening their political and financial commitment to CSDP, as well as the key role of the EU institutions in fostering cooperation and coordination.

Analyst - The Asia-Pacific region

The EUISS intends to expand its rolling rosters of analysts with the creation of a roster for the Asia-Pacific region. Targeted are experts with a recognised research record and work experience, and a proven ability to deliver relevant analysis at short notice and operate as project managers.

République centrafricaine : défis humanitaires, politiques et sécuritaires

25 October 2013

Aujourd’hui, la situation sécuritaire et politique en République Centrafricaine est grave : elle affecte la vie courante de chaque centrafricain. La rébellion Séléka a endommagé l’autorité de l’Etat, des Forces armées, et anéanti les services publics minimaux. Ce Brief souligne que le rétablissement de la sécurité est l’objectif prioritaire, mais celui-ci dépend fortement de la (re)construction de l’Etat.

Traineeships (period February 2014 - June 2014)

From February to June 2014, the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) is providing a limited number of traineeships to candidates who have obtained their Master’s degree.

Civil wars: a very short introduction

18 October 2013

As the conflict in Syria rages on, this brief provides a succinct analysis of the causes and consequences of the longest, and bloodiest, of all forms of human conflict. Why do civil wars break out? And more importantly, how can they be brought to an end?

Behind – and beyond – Armenia’s choice

18 October 2013

This alert explores the reasons behind Armenia’s shock decision to give up on its association and free trade deal with the EU and highlights the possibilities for the Union to enhance its relations with states in the eastern neighbourhood. Are we now witnessing the formation of a ‘two-tier’ Eastern Partnership?
