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Showing 1531-1540 of 2772 results

The Eastern Partnership after Vilnius: what next?

11 December 2013

This off-the-record brainstorming session brought together representatives from the EEAS, European Commission, Council of the EU, Permanent Representations of the EU member states and a few selected experts to discuss the future of the Eastern Partnership.

The ESS@10: revisiting the European Security Strategy 2003-2013

10 December 2013

Opening with a speech by H.E. Linas Linkevičius, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, this international conference was organised in order to mark the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the European Security Strategy (ESS) by the European Council.

Mali, Centrafrique : les contours d’une réponse multiforme

06 December 2013

L’envoi de troupes françaises en République centrafricaine est une étape d’une approche qui rappelle celle gouvernant la gestion de la crise malienne. Mais les parallèles entre ces deux processus soulignent certaines difficultés, notamment les relations difficiles entre organisations régionales et sous-régionales, les carences de l’approche régionale et la faiblesse des acteurs africains. Quelles solutions existe-t-il, et l’UE est-elle en mesure d’apporter des solutions?

What economies of shale for US foreign policy?

06 December 2013

This brief explores the impact on US foreign policy of the so-called ‘shale revolution’. With an ever-decreasing dependence on foreign energy producers, is the US on course to become independent from world energy markets? What impact will this have on the (often politically unstable) regions upon which the US has hitherto relied and, perhaps more unsettlingly for Europeans, on the transatlantic partnership?

After Vilnius

06 December 2013

This alert assesses the state of play of politics in the Union’s eastern neighbourhood in the aftermath of the Vilnius Summit. How should the EU proceed with Ukraine following its dramatic refusal to initial an Association Agreement? And how can it ensure the other Eastern Partnership countries stay on track in the face of both domestic and foreign pressure?

Nicu Popescu cited in Le Monde

30 November 2013

Nicu Popescu was quoted in an article 'La Moldavie et la Géorgie, nouvelles lignes de front entre l'Union européenne et la Russie'.
Le Monde

Crowd-sourcing – crisis response in the digital age

29 November 2013

Making use of all available resources is of paramount importance to mitigate the social and economic costs of humanitarian and natural disasters. This alert examines how information and communication technologies, coupled with crowd-sourcing – the practice of obtaining information, ideas and services from large (often online) groups of people – are increasingly proving to be valuable tools in tackling some of the key challenges in such situations.

BRICS – the next layer

29 November 2013

As some of the BRICS countries – heralded at the turn of the millennium as the new drivers of the global economy – experience declining growth, this alert examines who might replace (or integrate) the BRICS as the motor of future dynamism in the world economy as well as in the geopolitical arena.

BRICS – what’s in a name?

29 November 2013

This brief analyses what impact the five BRICS countries are likely to have in global politics in the years to come, and what future trajectory the grouping might take. The BRICS ‘club’ may or may not last – in its present or another formation – but its rise is a wake-up call for the EU to deepen its bilateral relations with individual BRICS and possibly reconsider its own position in the emerging system of global governance.
