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Showing 1901-1910 of 2772 results

Daniel Keohane was quoted by Reuters

13 May 2011

"The question is: is Gaddafi starting to pull out troops to consolidate his troops in Tripoli?" said Daniel Keohane of the European Union's Institute for Security Studies.

Luis Peral was quoted by Glavred

11 May 2011

По словам эксперта European Union Institute for Security Studies Луиса Пераля, европейские страны готовы вводить новые ограничения для беженцев и намерены действовать решительно. «Сначала ЕС оказался неготовым к такому количеству мигрантов, но теперь он склонен принимать меры.

The role of EU defence policy in the Eastern neighbourhood

11 May 2011

While the current focus of EU foreign policy is firmly trained on its southern neighbourhood, this paper explains why the EU should not forget about the long-simmering disputes in its Eastern neighbourhood – disputes which might once again require EU responses in the future.

Álvaro de Vasconcelos was quoted by the Guardian

10 May 2011

The head of the EU's security policy thinktank, the EUISS, Alvaro de Vasconcelos, has pointed out that several figures in the regime have European or US citizenship and that they could be prosecuted in the relevant countries or have their passports revoked.

A failed uprising in Bahrain

04 May 2011

To date, the Bahraini uprising has resulted in nothing but a return to martial law and the possible end of the participative experiment. This failure was predictable. At least three reasons can be put forward.

Iran in the shadow of the 2009 presidential elections

28 April 2011

The West needs to return to the drawing board over its dysfunctional relationship with Iran. The author argues that there is no convincing evidence of a link between the negative impact of sanctions on the Iranian economy and an inducement of popular discontent and a change in nuclear policy.

Álvaro de Vasconcelos was quoted in Publico

27 April 2011

Álvaro Vasconcelos, director do instituto europeu, explicava o propósito da iniciativa: "Viemos escutar e responder às vossas necessidades." Três experiências à escolha: a revolução portuguesa, a "transição negociada" espanhola e a "mesa-redonda" polaca.
