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Showing 1921-1930 of 2772 results

The role of external actors in political reforms in the Arab world

11 April 2011

Taking place on 11-12 April 2011 and organised by the Arab Reform Initiative in collaboration with the EUISS and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, this seminar examined the role of external actors in political reforms in the Arab world.

Chaillot Paper 124 was mentioned in the Jerusalem Post:

11 April 2011

The EU Institute for Security Studies published a report in December 2010 quoting the 2003 European Security Strategy, which states that the “Arab-Israeli conflict is a strategic priority for Europe,” and “as long as it remains unresolved, there will be little chance of dealing with other problem

Déceptions et espoirs

08 April 2011

Le discours de Bachar Assad a déçu non seulement la population syrienne mais aussi et surtout tous ses « amis » sur la scène régionale et internationale. Pour certains, ce discours était une déclaration de guerre puisqu’il a insisté sur la théorie de la conspiration dont la Syrie ferait l’objet.

CSDP Newsletter No.11

04 April 2011

The CSDP newsletter aims to give its readers an insight into ongoing work on CSDP development and on crisis management missions. In this current issue, articles on security sector, reform gender activities, Somalia, the EDA and the EU and NATO's future.

Daniel Keohane was quoted by Reuters

31 March 2011

"I find it hard to see how the coalition can agree politically to arming the rebels, but without arms I can't see how the rebels can win."

The Independent (UK)
National Post
The Korea Herald

Daniel Keohane was quoted by Reuters

28 March 2011

Fighting in Tripoli could cause large numbers of casualties, including an increased risk of civilian casualties, said Daniel Keohane of the European Institute for Security Studies. Business Spectator
US Daily
Yahoo! News
Arab News

Daniel Keohane was quoted by Le Monde

28 March 2011

"Si les forces rebelles apparaissent chercher à se venger des partisans de Kadhafi, cela pourrait créer un énorme problème politique pour l'Alliance parce que le mandat de l'ONU, qui est de protéger les civils, doit s'appliquer à tous", observe Daniel Keohane, de l'Institut d'études de s

Yemen after Saleh

25 March 2011

The potential for things going badly in Yemen after Saleh’s departure is great. There are already many conflicts and problems there. In the South a strong movement has arisen in favor of restoring its independence. In the far north of the country, there has been armed rebellion by the Houthis.
