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Daniel Keohane was quoted by Euronews

01 October 2009

Daniel Keohane, with the European Union Institute for Security Studies, said: “I think in fairness these smaller states do quite well out of the Europe Union. The fact that all those rules are there insures that the big states behave themselves." Euronews

Daniel Keohane was quoted by DefenseNews

28 September 2009

That argument will be all the louder as the economic downturn brings calls to keep jobs in America, said research fellow Daniel Keohane at the European Union Institute for Security Studies. DefenseNews

Daniel Keohane was quoted by DefenseNews

21 September 2009

Daniel Keohane of the European Union Institute for Security Studies agrees, suggesting that the lessons-learned phase may trigger a debate in many countries about the use of force, but he doubts that countries will drop their caveats as a result of it. DefenseNews

No Euro-Mediterranean community without peace

15 September 2009

Muriel Asseburg and Paul Salem look at the prospects for Euro-Mediterranean initiatives against the current troubled backdrop of the Middle East, and in particular the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The long-term objective of creating a Euro-Mediterranean Community will not be fulfilled without a lasting peace in the region.

Prospects for US-EU cooperation on security, freedom and justice

14 September 2009

Part of a larger project organised by three US think-tanks, the purpose of this seminar was to determine how the US and the EU can work more effectively on security cooperation, including a vast agenda of issues beyond the framework of NATO, as well as how to combat criminal and terrorist networks.

Rouzbeh Parsi was mentioned on Sverigesradio:

22 August 2009

Negar Josephi har träffat Rozbeh Parsi som är sakkunnig vid EU:s institut för säkerhetsstudier i Paris och därmed medverkar till att forma EUs politik gentemot Iran.

ESDP Newsletter No. 8

11 August 2009

In the last year, the EU has been conducting two major military operations in and around Africa as well as continuing its police mission in Afghanistan. This Summer issue looks at the EU's engagement in these regions. It also gives a bird's eye view of an ESDP operation as seen from the EU Satellite Centre and finally Karl von Wogau, Chairman of the European Parliament Sub-Committee for Security and Defence, takes stock of the development of ESDP.
