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Showing 2221-2230 of 2771 results

Damien Helly was interviewed on France 24:

27 May 2009

Damien Helly discussed the EU and international response to piracy off the coast of Somalia on France 24 on the occasional of the opening of an international conference in Cairo to tackle the problem. France 24

Afghanistan — new approaches towards stabilisation

04 May 2009

The EUISS brought together experts and officials from countries neighbouring Afghanistan, as well as from Turkey, India, China and the EU, in order to analyse prospects for a genuine regional strategy to stabilise Afghanistan.

Daniel Keohane was quoted by The Irish Times:

04 April 2009

"As prime minister he brings broad knowledge of policy and experience, something Nato could use as it tries to redefine its role in today’s world, where security threats are not purely military," said Dan Keohane, analyst at the Paris-based Institute for Strategic Studies.

Maghreb : vaincre la peur de la démocratie

02 April 2009

Le Maghreb est confronté à des défis colossaux : pauvreté, terrorisme, migration, corruption, violation des droits de l’homme. Les réformes nécessaires pour résoudre ces problèmes exigent un engagement des États avec le soutien de leur société civile : elles échoueront si elles ne sont pas portées par des dirigeants politiques légitimes, démocratiquement élus. Comme l’analyse Luís Martinez, la démocratisation au Maghreb doit devenir une priorité de la politique européenne en Méditerranée.

Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan: the EU’s contribution

01 April 2009

The EU engages in aspects of security sector reform through EUPOL Afghanistan, the police mission launched in 2007, and through the European Commission’s contributions to justice reform in the country. Based on an analysis of past efforts at police reform by the EU and other European and international actors, this paper identifies a set of internal and external coordination challenges that hamper mission success.
