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Showing 2271-2280 of 2771 results

L’Union et les armes légères et de petit calibre (ALPC)

25 September 2008

En mettant la priorité sur la prévention, l’Union européenne pourrait maximiser l’usage de ses ressources et le soutien des capacités des gouvernements et des sociétés pour lutter contre le fléau des armes légères, explique Damien Helly, chargé de recherche de l’IESUE sur l’Afrique, la prévention des conflits et de la gestion des crises.

Daniel Keohane was mentioned in the Bruxelles2 blog

15 September 2008

"Ce n'est pas une question de montant" a renchéri Daniel Keohane, chercheur à l'Institut d'Etudes de sécurité de l'UE (l'agence de doctrine de l'Europe de la Défense). Le budget militaire n’est pas utilisé à bon escient. Nous gapillons souvent de l’argent sur des mêmes programmes.

Russia and Georgia: European destinies

15 August 2008

Despite their recent conflict and its impact on relations with the European Union, the futures of both Georgia and Russia are inextricably linked with Europe. The Director of the EUISS discusses the different European paths of the two countries, and presents a vision for the EU’s interaction with them to build a more secure future for the wider Eurasian continent.

Rethinking Iran: from confrontation to cooperation

14 August 2008

This paper opens the debate on cooperation with Iran as an alternative to the West’s current confrontational approach. It proposes détente and eventual partnership as a basis for addressing nuclear concerns, as well as Iran’s increasingly influential role in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Worst case: escalation of the unresolved conflict in Georgia

12 August 2008

The hostilities between Russia and Georgia reflect a lack of long-term strategic thinking on the part of Russia, which is jeopardising relations with the West in order to assert itself as a global power, as well a political climate of increasing nationalism in Georgia. Neither of these factors is constructive in resolving the conflicts over the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

E pluribus unum: decision-makers and decision-making in Iran

08 August 2008

Iran’s complex and unusual political system is often perceived as opaque and even arcane by Western observers. This policy brief provides an overview of the power structure of the Islamic Republic and offers an insight into the intricacies of the Iranian system’s decision-making process. It also explains how the various centres of power influence Iran’s nuclear negotiations with the international community.

A better and stronger Europe

30 July 2008

Following Ireland’s ‘No’ to the Lisbon Treaty, echoing the French and Dutch voters’ rejection of the Constitutional Treaty in 2005, the EU needs to consider carefully how to win back citizens’ support and thus overcome the fears that are crippling its ability to shape world politics.
