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An EUISS event was mentioned by The Financial Times:

14 July 2008

...Mr Sarkozy seems serious in his pragmatism. In Paris the other day, at a conference organised by the foreign ministry and the Institute for Security Studies, I heard French official after French official elevate practical politics above Gaullist ideology.

ESDP Newsletter No.6

01 July 2008

This ESDP NEwsletter visits the EUFOR Tchad/RCA Operation, looks at Kosovo's preparations for enhanced EU engagement and explores the issues of climate change and security.

A common approach to the neighbourhood

27 June 2008

The European Security Strategy (ESS) identifies the promotion of good governance and stability in the EU neighbourhood as its strategic objective. Five years into the adoption of the ESS this seminar examined some other key issues regarding relations with the neighbours.

Daniel Keohane was quoted by DefenseNews

23 June 2008

Daniel Keohane, research fellow at the EU Institute for Security Studies here, said the white paper set ambitious goals for Europe, particularly in the light of Ireland's "no" vote in the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. DefenseNews

Teheran braucht keine Atomwaffen

18 June 2008

EU-Sanktionen gegen den Iran wären genau das fehlende Element, das den Anhängern Ahmadinejads noch abgeht, um sich mit ihren anti-westlichen Ansichten voll durchsetzen zu können. Über Iran, Israel und Europas Energiesicherheit.

The EU and global governance: rules, power and priorities

06 June 2008

The first seminar in the series addressing 'European Interests and Strategic Options' was held in Rome on 5 and 6 June 2008 in cooperation with the Istituto Affari Internazionali and addressed the Union’s goal to develop ‘an international order based on effective multilateralism’.
