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Showing 2461-2470 of 2767 results

Reconsidering the Future

01 July 2005

The future of the relations between Europe and America should be redefined, in accordance with substantial evolutions inside NATO and the EU. With every new team comes a new partnership. This, at least, seems to be the joint stakes on both sides of the Atlantic ever since the re-election of George W. Bush. With the 2003 crisis behind us, the time has come to put the pieces of transatlantic cooperation back together.

Islamist Neo-Cons Take Power in Iran

01 July 2005

Iran, the land of roses and nightingales, remains unpredictable and enigmatic for any Western analyst-it always takes a different turn than what one would expect. When the regime of the Shah appeared to be stable, it was swiped away by a popular left-leaning revolution which replaced the monarchy with an Islamic Republic.

Towards a European Defence Equipment Market

01 July 2005

Communication, directive or code? The Commission's Green Paper on Defence Procurement has opened a new debate on how to reach the aim of an EDEM. In September 2004, the European Commission (EC) issued a Green Paper on Defence Procurement, proposing various options to improve transparency and openness of defence markets between EU member states.

Looking into Iraq

01 July 2005

Two years after George W. Bush declared the end of major combat operations in Iraq, the country is still far from stable. A fierce insurgency is still hampering the reconstruction of the country’s infrastructure and the development of the political process. On the other hand, success, however limited, cannot be denied: on 30 January 2005 Iraqis cast their ballots to elect a Transitional Assembly in most provinces of the country and a new government was inaugurated by the end of March 2005.

Promoting security sector governance in the EU’s neighbourhood

01 July 2005

With the European Union’s 2004 round of enlargement, its neighbourhood now stretches from the Balkans to the Southern Caucasus, and from Russia to the Southern Mediterranean. This new neighbourhood suffers from serious deficits in terms of security, development and democracy, which constitute a serious challenge for the EU’s own security.

Attention, danger!

01 July 2005

On avait accusé les électeurs du « non » d’obscurantisme. Les dirigeants font pire, aggravant par le haut la crise que les électeurs d’en bas ont ouverte au sein de l’Union. Du côté des opinions, le message dominant est que rien ne va plus.

Iranian challenges

17 June 2005

In the run up to the 2005 presidential elections in Iran, the EUISS held a seminar with objective of providing a comprehensive analysis of Iran: its strategic geographical position, nuclear policy and the consequences for the transatlantic dimension.

L'évolution stratégique du Japon : un enjeu pour l'Union

01 June 2005

Pays atypique par sa modernité précoce, sa grandeur économique, sa relation de sécurité avec les Etats-Unis - unique dans sa définition et dans sa portée -, enfin par sa Loi fondamentale, unique également dans le pacifisme institutionnel qu’elle scelle, le Japon réunit tous les paradoxes.

La PESD et la Méditerranée : perspectives du dialogue en matière de sécurité et de défense du Processus de Barcelone

10 May 2005

A la demande du COPS et des hauts fonctionnaires du Processus de Barcelone, l'Institut a organisé à Paris un séminaire dont l'objectif était double: faire un bilan du dialogue et de la coopération en matière de sécurité et de défense dans le cadre du partenariat euro-méditerranéen; et analyser les possibilités d'approfondissement de ce dialogue et de cette coopération.
