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Showing 2521-2530 of 2767 results

A new impetus for ESDP

01 July 2004

Among the clouds of abstention, apathy and doubts about the European integration project, the area of security and defence has seen indisputable progress in the last couple of years. The year 2003 witnessed a European Security Strategy document was endorsed last December. All of this would have been unthinkable just five years ago. Yet, the capabilities aspect of ESDP is still lagging behind.

Barroso, il presidente politico non s'addice all'Europa

01 July 2004

Ora che il polverone della conferma a José Manuel Durao Barroso si è posato, vale forse la pena soffermarsi un attimo su quanto è accaduto. L'esito del voto a Strasburgo non è stato certo un successo per il nuovo Presidente della Commissione, nonostante abbia raccolto qualche decina di voti in più rispetto a quelli previsti o annunciati: 413 Sì contro 251 No e 44 astenuti non rappresentano certo un mandato pieno e indiscusso, un'apertura di credito senza riserve.

Une Constitution sans citoyens ?

01 July 2004

L'Europe a donc un Traité constitutionnel. Les 25 chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement ont finalement accompli cette prouesse de s’entendre – même au rabais – sur ce qui les divise le plus : la répartition des pouvoirs au sein de l’ensemble européen. Mais l’Europe n’a pas d’électeurs : les taux records d’abstention aux élections européennes du 13 juin jettent donc sur cette victoire diplomatique une ombre tout aussi indéniable.

Protecting the European homeland — the CBR dimension

01 July 2004

The Sarin attacks carried out by the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo in Matsumoto and Tokyo highlighted the threat posed by non-state actors equipped with non-conventional weapons. Although the number of casualties was limited, the attack signalled a cause for concern.

L'armement terrestre doit s'organiser

14 June 2004

A partir d'aujourd'hui, les entreprises d'armement terrestre et aéroterrestre vont se réunir à Paris lors du salon international Eurosatory. Côté européen, l'ambiance sera sans doute mitigée. La situation reste difficile en particulier pour les producteurs de chars et de véhicules blindés, qui forment le noyau dur de l'industrie d'armement terrestre.

The 2004 Transatlantic Conference. The EU and the US: redefining the partnership

04 June 2004

The 2004 Transatlantic Conference focused on the security agendas of the United States and EU, visions for the Middle East and trends in the transatlantic partnership. The conference was attended by nearly a hundred participants representing governments, international organisations, policy institutes, and academia.

CFSP and ESDP after enlargement

14 May 2004

This conference, organised jointly with the Institute of International Relations, Prague, took place soon after accession of the Czech Republic to the EU. The Prague office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation contributed to the organisation of the event, and the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the participants.

Options for the Greater Middle East

03 May 2004

The purpose of this seminar was to analyse the current situation in the Middle East and to assess the various Western initiatives to deal with the region. How can the European Union and its member states support the ‘Greater Middle East Initiative’ of the US whilst reaffirming the commitment to their own initiatives.
