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Showing 731-740 of 2771 results

Daniel Fiott invited to PMG informal meeting

16 September 2019

Daniel Fiott was invited by the EU’s Politico-Military Group (PMG) to Helsinki to participate in an informal discussion about the future strategic challenges and opportunities facing EU security and defence.

Stress tests

03 September 2019
The EU increasingly makes use of crisis scenarios to forecast the future and identify capability gaps. This Brief shows how simulations and exercises can only add value to preparedness efforts when they are but one element of a wider crisis response architecture.

The EU and NATO

09 August 2019

The EUISS and the Research Division of the NATO Defense College joined forces to examine NATO-EU cooperation from a variety of angles. Specifically, this publication analyses interaction between both organisations by focusing on the main areas of cooperation identified in the two Joint Declarations.

The Eastern Partnership a decade on: looking back, thinking ahead

18 July 2019

Ten years after the launch of the Eastern Partnership (EaP), this Chaillot Paper looks back on its evolution, unveils shifting attitudes towards the EaP programme and provides analyses of both the successes and failures experienced in the six partner states.

EUISS Yearbook of European Security 2019

18 July 2019

The 2019 Yearbook of European Security provides an overview of events in 2018 that were significant for European security and charts major developments in the EU’s external action and security and defence policy.

Russia in the Western Balkans

02 July 2019
Russia's grand aspirational objective is to bring back what is deemed in Moscow to be a more natural state of play for the Balkans: multipolarity. But what is the Russian modus operandi in the region? Is it confined only to coercion, as the headlines suggest, or is there a softer side to Russia’s power?
