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Showing 751-760 of 2771 results

The EUISS at the 2019 Stockholm Forum

14 May 2019

An EUISS delegation attended the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) 2019 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development between 14-16 May.

EU Open Day 2019

04 May 2019

The EUISS was represented with a stand at the EU Open Day 2019 in Brussels.

Protecting Europe

30 April 2019

This Chaillot Paper seeks to provide practical and operational insights on how the EU can best respond to and counter hybrid threats. It focuses on three key policy domains that are of vital significance in a hybrid context – borders, critical infrastructure and disinformation.

Conflict prevention in Mozambique

10 April 2019
This Brief demonstrates how a ‘pivot’ to conflict prevention in foreign assistance to Mozambique is needed, adjusting international donors’ support towards more targeted conflict-prevention objectives, and balancing the need for conflict sensitivity with the imperative of effective relief and recovery interventions in the areas hit by the cyclone. But it is important to realise that the ‘prevention window’ will not remain open indefinitely, and timely action is therefore of the essence.

Preventing the re-emergence of chemical weapons

03 April 2019
This Brief explores the ways the international community has responded to the new developments to preserve and strengthen the norm against CW use. It first offers a short historical overview of chemical warfare, followed by a review of resurgent use of toxic agents. It next introduces the CWC. A discussion of the challenges the new-found utility of such agents pose to the convention concludes the Brief.
