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Showing 781-790 of 2771 results

The EU and NATO: the essential partners

13 December 2018

On 13 December 2018, the EUISS and the NATO Defence College (NDC) coorganised a roundtable with the purpose of discussing recent developments in the EU-NATO partnership.

Daniel Fiott in Les Échos

10 December 2018

Daniel Fiott was quoted in the article 'L'Europe de la défense face au casse-tête de la coopération'.

EUISS Annual Conference 2018

06 December 2018

On 5-6 December 2018, the EUISS held its Annual Conference focussed on strategic autonomy in Brussels.

Strategic autonomy: towards ‘European sovereignty’ in defence?

30 November 2018

Strategic autonomy. Two familiar words that are yet again in vogue in Europe but which cause confusion and, in some quarters, even alarm. This Brief compares the range of defence initiatives that have been developed by the EU since 2016 against three different conceptual visions of strategic autonomy: autonomy as responsibility, autonomy as hedging and autonomy as emancipation.

Guns, engines and turbines – The EU’s hard power in Asia

27 November 2018
Edited by

Considering arms trade an integral part of the EU’s foreign policy toolbox, what is the status of security cooperation between Europe and Asia? Who exactly benefits from European military technology and know-how and how does that affect the overall strategic balance in the region?

Planning for the future of EU defence

21 November 2018

The EUISS, the Direction Générale des Relations Internationales et de la Stratégie (DGRIS) and the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU organised a seminar focusing on the future of EU defence in Paris.

Giovanni Faleg at the European Parliament

20 November 2018

Giovanni Faleg intervened as a speaker at the Subcommittee on Security and Defence of the European Parliament on a panel entitled 'The Civilian CSDP Compact'.

Putin’s fourth term – The twilight begins?

19 November 2018

Russia’s political system appears strong and durable at first glance. However, on closer inspection, several factors are gradually undercutting Putin's standing, a process which, in turn, is likely to have future knock-on effects for Russia’s entire political edifice. What vulnerabilities does President Putin face in his fourth term in office? What are the drivers behind them? And how might these play out in the future? 
