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Rouzbeh Parsi quoted on Swedish Radio online

04 January 2011

Nu bjuder man alltså in utländska diplomater till sina kärnanläggningar. För Iran handlar det om att framstå som öppna, säger Rouzbeh Parsi, forskare vid EU:s institut för säkerhetspolitiska studier i Paris. Sverigesradio

Damien Helly a été cite par « Le Temps »

21 December 2010

«Ce référendum ( la sécession du Sud Soudan ) va poser un problème à l’UA en matière d’intangibilité des frontières, relève Damien Helly. Tout l’enjeu sera de montrer qu’elle peut gérer avec maturité ce dossier qui n’a d’autre solution que politique.

A new farewell to arms: viewing disarmament in a new security environment

20 December 2010

Advocates of disarmament have long maintained that non-conventional weapons are so destabilising to international peace and security that they should be eliminated altogether. This policy brief provides an overview of the disarmament question and examines how it is entering a new phase in a radical new context of globalisation and rapid technology diffusion.

European involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict

17 December 2010

The past year has seen new setbacks in efforts to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict, while 2011 is hailed by many as a key year for moving towards a two-state solution. This paper aspires to make a timely contribution to policy thinking on European involvement in the conflict by focusing attention on a number of cross-cutting issues, challenges and opportunities for the EU.

Global Governance 2025: at a critical juncture

15 December 2010

Global governance is not slated to become ‘world government’. However, more effective cooperation among a growing assortment of international, regional and national in addition to non-state actors is needed to grapple with the growing interconnectedness of future challenges.

Daniel Keohane was quoted in the Irish Independent:

11 December 2010

"The Irish have always been reluctant to spend on defence; the basic assumption is that the British or the Americans will step in," says Daniel Keohane, a senior research fellow at the Paris-based EU Institute for Security Studies and the author of European Security and Defence Policy: the First

The future of Sudan: challenges ahead

09 December 2010

Is Sudan ready for its referendum? This EUISS seminar report, ‘The Future of Sudan: challenges ahead’, analyses future scenarios for governance and conflict following the upcoming independence referendum in Southern Sudan on 9 January 2011. The report also proposes various roles the international community, the EU and regional organisations could play in Sudan.

Quelle politique pour l'UE au Zimbabwe aujourd'hui?

07 December 2010

Le 13 février 2009 a marqué un tournant majeur dans l’histoire contemporaine du Zimbabwe, avec l’intronisation d’un Gouvernement d’Union nationale. Dans cet Occasional Paper, l'auteur s’efforce de décrypter la politique actuelle de l’UE au regard de ce développement tout en examinant les modalités du réengagement politique et économique de l’UE au Zimbabwe.

The EU, Russia and the neighbourhood

06 December 2010

A thaw in the frosty EU-Russia relationship has been occurring over the last year. But with Russia’s cheerier tone being buoyed by strategic gains in its neighbourhood, the EU should be under no illusion about Russia’s agenda.

Rouzbeh Parsi was interviewed on France 24:

03 December 2010

Rouzbeh Parsi took part in a televised discussion about the Gulf States' fears over Iran's nuclear programme revealed in the diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks. France 24
