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EU-Washington forum 2010 was mentioned in the Guardian:

17 November 2010

Addressing a pre-summit Washington forum organised by the EU Institute for Security Studies, Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Europe director on Obama's national security council, said the Euro-grumblers and whingers had got it all wrong. The Guardian

Álvaro de Vasconcelos was quoted by Publico:

17 November 2010

"A convergência entre os EUA e a Europa nas questões de segurança internacional é hoje muito grande", diz Álvaro de Vasconcelos, director do Instituto de Estudos de Segurança da UE.

Álvaro de Vasconcelos was interviewed on Euronews:

16 November 2010

Professor Alvaro de Vasconcelos, Director of the Institute of EU Security Studies: "Unfortunately, I don't think we'll see one position on NATO. There'll be several voices in Lisbon, but not a common one." Euronews

Rouzbeh Parsi was quoted by Trend News:

13 November 2010

It is most probably to hold talks in Turkey because Iran trusts Turkey much more than it does the west countries and perhaps even Russia and China, Rouzbeh Parsi, analyst of the EU Institute for Security Studies, said.. Trend News

EU-Washington Forum 2010 was mentioned in Deutsche Welle:

12 November 2010

In an interview with Deutsche Welle, the EU's top official in Washington explains why he is not afraid the US midterm elections will have a negative impact on relations between the EU and the US. The Interview was conducted at the EUISS Washington Forum. Deutsche Welle

EU-Washington Forum 2010 was mentioned in Le Monde:

11 November 2010

L'ambassadeur s'exprimait à l'ouverture d'un colloque que l'ISS, l'Institut de l'Union européenne pour les études de sécurité, a consacré, lundi 8 et mardi 9 novembre, à l'avenir de la relation transatlantique.

EU-Washington Forum was mentioned by Voice of America (Albanian Service):

10 November 2010

The two-day forum in Washington focused on all areas of cooperation across the Atlantic. Included among these areas were the Balkan economy, counter-terrorism, global issues such as global warming, global governance, diplomacy in the Middle East and efforts in the framework of NATO.
