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Showing 1631-1640 of 2772 results

Nuclear multilateralisation - and Europe’s role

15 April 2013

Although considerable progress has been made regarding the implementation of multilateral nuclear approaches (MNAs) over the past few years, the drive appears to have already lost much momentum since its reinvigoration a decade ago. There is much potential in this realm for the EU to play a constructive role and for its internal diversity to become a foreign policy asset.

Traineeships (period September 2013 - January 2014)

From September 2013 to January 2014, the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) is providing a limited number of traineeships to candidates who have or are about to obtain their Master’s degree. Candidates must also be EU citizens.

Global commons: between cooperation and competition

08 April 2013

Shared rules regarding the usage of - and access to - the global commons encourages their peaceful and cooperative use. With the rise of non-Western powers, questions must now be asked regarding the durability of the existing processes for managing the global commons. Are new processes required to address new threats and challenges, in particular in the realm of cyber security?

Dimming power: Naim or Nye?

08 April 2013

From social media to irregular warfare and venture capital, a new political landscape characterised by power diffusion is clearly emerging. As a result, today’s (old and new) power holders not only bear responsibility for governing their own people; in the current hyper-connected world, their actions also have global repercussions.

The future of the CWC in the post-destruction phase

27 March 2013

Since the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in 1997, much progress has been made in destroying existing stockpiles of chemical weapons. However, the CWC is faced with new threats and challenges due to advances in science and technology and the changing international security, political and economic environment. On the eve of the Third Review Conference of the treaty, this report examines some of the most pressing challenges facing the CWC over the next decade.

Chemical weapon use in Syria?

26 March 2013

On 19 March 2013 a serious allegation was made concerning the use of chemical weapons near Aleppo. In this context, how could the EU play a role that would assist not only the potential victims of chemical attacks but also the process of eliminating all non-conventional weapons in the Middle East?

The European 'pivot'

26 March 2013

The US ‘pivot’ towards Asia has generated debate in Europe about whether the EU should upgrade its presence in the region. Yet, as this alert shows, the EU and its member states already began their own, largely undetected, rebalancing towards Asia roughly a decade ago. Does the EU now have the possibility of becoming – even inadvertently – an Asian (minor) power?
