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Showing 1651-1660 of 2772 results

Brussels - Beijing: changing the game?

07 March 2013

China is poised to become the EU’s most important commercial partner, while simultaneously being a serious challenger in trade and a competitor for resources. It is against the backdrop of this dichotomy that this report offers a number of suggestions to assist EU policymakers in developing a more coherent approach towards China.

Good cop or bad cop? Sanctioning Belarus

04 March 2013

Sanctions seem to have become one of the EU’s weapons of choice to effect change beyond its borders and the case of Belarus testifies in particular to the Union’s ambition to conduct coercive diplomacy. Yet, despite the various steps taken by the EU over the past years, little lasting success has been achieved so far in enforcing meaningful change in Europe’s ‘last dictatorship’.

Strategic foresight - and the EU

20 February 2013

With various political and institutional initiatives across the Union indicating a growing interest in the analysis of trends and factors that may affect Europe’s position in the years and decades to come, the EUISS Director digs deeper into the nature, practice and record of strategic foresight.

Water as a stress factor in ­sub-Saharan Africa

18 February 2013

Despite Africa’s rainy equatorial zone, long rivers, great lakes and vast shores, water is becoming an increasingly scarce commodity. Convincing policy responses are required in order to alleviate growing pressure on water resources that could eventually lead to domestic unrest, exacerbate existing inter-state tensions and even constitute a source of armed conflict.

Ten years after: lessons from the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002-2012

28 January 2013

The launch of the EU Police Mission (EUPM) was for many the first tangible outcome from the EU CFSP. This joint report contributes, through the identification of key lessons and recommendations, to collaborative lessons learning for police reform in BiH, CSDP and the EU’s external action in general.

Visit of Helga Schmid to the EUISS

25 January 2013

On Friday 25 January, the EUISS was pleased to welcome Ms Helga Schmid, Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs in the European External Action Service (EEAS) at the Institute for an informal exchange of views with Paris-based think tankers.

Jean Pascal Zanders in Executive Magazine

10 January 2013

Jean Pascal Zanders is featured in an article titled 'Chemical overreaction' that deals with the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Executive Magazine

EUISS 2.0: back to the future

20 December 2012

In the new institutional landscape, Antonio Missiroli describes how and why the EUISS must adapt and develop in order to prove its added value by strengthening its profile as a provider of expertise and strategic analysis and becoming a hub of networking activities and debate.
