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Showing 1641-1650 of 2772 results

Can the Tunisian revolution be reversed?

26 March 2013

Two years after the revolution, the Tunisian transition is in dire need of new momentum. Bogged down in endless discussions about secularism and Islamist ideologies, the government needs to address the fundamental demands of ordinary Tunisians: democracy, economic dignity, and freedom.

Moldova’s political crisis

26 March 2013

After a period of relative stability and significant progress in its reform efforts, Moldovan politics has (re)entered a phase of instability, creating uncertainty about its future direction and its relationship with the EU. This notwithstanding, Moldova potentially remains the best example of a successful transformation under the Union’s Eastern Partnership.

Jean Pascal Zanders in the Washington Post

25 March 2013

On the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, Jean Pascal Zanders was quoted as saying: 'Fatalities happen literally within minutes or even seconds, there’s nothing that suggests that these people were even remotely exposed to nerve agents.'
Washington Post

La révolution tunisienne deux ans après – est-elle réversible ?

19 March 2013

Deux ans après les événements qui ont conduit à la chute du régime de Ben Ali, la crise sociale et gouvernementale actuelle amène à poser la question de l’irréversibilité de la révolution tunisienne. Quelles étaient ses demandes ? Quelles réformes substantielles le gouvernement doit-il encore mettre en œuvre pour garantir une rupture définitive avec le passé ?

EUISS in Le Monde

18 March 2013

With reference to the EU-Washington Forum 2013, the Institute was mentioned in an article titled 'Mars et Vénus, Bagdad et Bamako' written by the Editorial Director of Le Monde, Sylvie Kauffmann.
Le Monde

Tobias Koepf in Deutsche Welle

13 March 2013

Tobias Koepf was quoted in an article titled 'EU mission to Mali seen as a threat to Europe'.
Deutsche Welle

EU Washington Forum 2013

13 March 2013

Taking place in Washington, D.C on the 13-14 March, the 2013 EUWF served as a reminder that diplomacy, development and defence are all important elements in attempts to maintain stability and generate growth, even in times of budgetary constraints.
