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Showing 1661-1670 of 2772 results

Look East, Act East: transatlantic agendas in the Asia Pacific

18 December 2012

The transatlantic partners share similar objectives with regard to the Asia Pacific. Nevertheless, history, geography as well as differences in perceptions contribute to forging two distinct stances vis-à-vis the region. This report identifies areas where those two positions intersect.

UNSCR 1540 and the EU: reinforcing national responsibilities

18 December 2012

For nearly a decade now, the EU has provided decisive support to international efforts to combat WMD proliferation. This policy brief illustrates the added value of EU support to existing international instruments dealing with non-proliferation, while recommending concrete steps to improve EU efforts to foster greater international cooperation.

A noble prize

07 December 2012

The decison to award the European Union with the Nobel Peace Prize has both elicted praise and caused controversy. Yet rather than a reward for the present, the prize must be seen as a recognition for the past and an encouragement for the future.

EU engagement in the Sahel: lessons from Somalia and AfPak

30 November 2012

This policy brief looks at the prospects for the proposed EU training mission in Mali and examines what lessons might be learned from the EU’s previous contribution to international peacekeeping efforts in Somalia as well as the exent to which the fragile security situation in Northern Mali has the potential to become another Afghanistan.

After austerity: futures for Europe's defence industry

29 November 2012

Europe's defence industry currently remains fragmented both across countries and business sectors. Yet given the downsizing of defence budgets, greater consolidation can now be expected through a mix of Europe, NATO, extra-EU and purely national solutions.

China’s new leaders uploaded

23 November 2012

With the seven new members of the Politburo Standing Committee (PBSC) now in place, China will need to address an array of challenges including controversial aspects of political reform. The way this ‘China 7.0’ handles these issues will undoubtedly have profound implications for the whole world.

Obama reloaded

16 November 2012

With the US presidential election now over, bipartisan cooperation will be required to solve the country's domestic challenges. Yet how will the president tackle both existing and emerging foreign and security policy priorities? And what does an Obama 2.0 mean for the EU?
